Sign Governors' petition to President Bush to lower gas prices!

by FlyingHighNow 99 Replies latest social current

  • FlyingHighNow

    Our Governer, Jennifer Granholm and other governors have come up with a petition to cap oil company profits and bring the price of gas down. Please read about it. Please sign it and encourage everyone you know to sign it.,1607,7-168-22080-141415--,00.html

    Consider these facts:

    • The average price for unleaded gasoline is 64 cents higher than the same time last year.
    • ExxonMobil reported a $36.1 billion in profit, making it the largest corporation in the world and larger than the next four companies on the Forbes 500 list combined.
    • Oil prices have increased 240 percent since George Bush’s inauguration in January 2001.
  • FlyingHighNow

    Please let us know if you decide to sign this and share with relatives, friends, coworkers, etc. Whether you love Bush or disagree with him, or dislike him, isn't important. Bringing Gas prices down is.

    People on fixed incomes in Michigan are selling their belongings to get the money to buy gas. Some people have lost jobs because they cannot afford the the gas to get to work.

  • upside/down

    A "free market"... will correct itself...

    High gas prices are the best thing to fight high gas prices... it will force competition..and a view to weening ourselves off of oil...instead of artificially capping prices which only prolongs the inevitable and encourages people to seek and use cheap gas. Brazil is oil free... we can do it to...

    The private sector will come up with the solution...not the government.

    Bush...DOES NOT control the price of oil. The market does... maybe an economics class is in order?

    As far as Exxon making what... since when is profit wrong? Bill Gates makes Bazillions... good for him...I don't expect him to give away his product because of it.

    Speculators cause the price to go up...

    Of course... if we could actually tap our own resources here at wouldn't be an issue...but the libs want it both drilling, no new production plants... yet want cheap gas? How come we aren't burning gobs of Brazil?

    I's Bush's fault.... I can't wait till the next election and the bitching all shifts to the next sucker we elect....hahahaha!


  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    Hey there U/D, you sound like Rush! LOL. I have to say that I agree though. Instead of complaining about oil prices we should be encouraging our elected officials to persue alternative energy sources.

  • ballistic

    Trouble is GLOBAL oil prices are high. Our oil is called Brent Crude, it closely follows oil on the New York stock exchange. It is about global production and supply \ demand.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Upside/Down, this is not about profit being wrong. What it's about is oil companies lying and saying the prices are up because of other reasons beyond their control. They are lying to you and to everyone else. Katrina hasn't caused this, neither has China wanting to buy oil.

    Either you make tons of money and it's not going to hurt you to pay $3 to over $4 something per gallon, or you're extremely gullable. Our energy secretary, and he's sleazy, I saw him on TV again today trying to weakly, in a very annoyed tone, try to convince us the oil companies are not profiting from this huge rise in gas prices. Of course they are. This unnecessary, the rise in gas prices and natural gas. I don't know about you, but I could NOT afford to pay my heating bills this winter. I had to go on a budget plan. I owe them nearly $400 that will be due when the winter program is over. I can barely afford to run my car.

    Please everyone, this is NOT about partisan politics. This is about our economy and how it is about to be crippled by the greed of the major oil companies.

    Please hit the link, read and then find the petition link and go sign it. It's very simple to sign it, not a lengthy process. Then let everyone you know in on it. The outrage is growing over this. Our prez and his energy secretary thought we'd all believe their story and quietly go along with it. Let's show them that they are wrong, wrong, wrong!

  • FlyingHighNow

    Ballistic, they are feeding you the same bull. The oil companies are lying to all of us while they cash in by the billions. Maybe it's time people in Europe and Great Britain demand answers as well. We can do something about this, at least in the USA we can.

  • FlyingHighNow

    By the way, our beautiful and very intelligent governor, Jennifer Grandholm is Canadian by birth.

    E-mail From the Gov - receive press releases, electronic newsletters, executive orders, and other current news and information from the Governor's office.

  • Spectre

    I like the current excuse I hear on the news, "this summer we might see even higher gas prices because of Iran's nuclear weapons."

  • Trace

    The president sets gas prices?

    That wasn't taught in my civics and economics classes.

    If gas is too high stop purchasing it.

    "petition to President Bush to lower gas prices" ...pretty ridiculous.


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