comparing the pay of American CEO's to their Japanese or European counterpart
So what... some American CEO's make Apples and Oranges IMO.
Huh? Apples to Organges to compare CEO's in the US to those in Japan and Europe? Alrighty then.
If I were a pension funds manager and had money invested...
You're not... and I'm sure the reasons are numerous...
Great addition to the debate. Thanks for adding to the argument. Is this Rush?
huge coporations loosing millions while giving their CEO's big, fat paychecks
Uhhh...did I miss something...I thought we were talking about Exxon...a PROFITABLE company....don't mix issues. Of course I'm against what you mentioned...let's stay on topic.
So what did Mr. Raymond do to deserve a 400 million dollar retirement package?? Geez, answer this ONE question. PLEASE tell me!!!! I'm dying to know.
out what many huge companies do when they merge
We weren't discussing why argue it? Different subject all together... and again I agree...dishonesty and cheating and stealing is bad...
And nothing like that happened in the oil industry, right???? Right??? Right?? Let's see it's 1999 Exxon and Mobil merge, thousands loose their jobs, ExxonMobil becomes the biggest U.S. company by revenue and has record profits. I'm sure everything was above board <<wink wink>>
Can anyone spell "HP"?
Are you referring to Hewlett Packard..? Cuz if you are what a coincidence, my current business partner was General Manager for them for 33 years... did quite well...but left when Carlie took over and drove it into the ground. Cest la vie!
People think that stories like Enron or Tyco are the exception but the truth is it's rampant.
We were discussing OIL not the corruption of Corporations...and ALL countries have corrupt Corps. not just the US...puhleeez...
Oh yeah...back to oil and the "saints" who are in charge of it. let's see here...
One huge reason prices are tight because refinery capacity is very tight, oh, but guess what???? Since 1980 HALF of the refineries have been SHUT DOWN! Wow, imagine that....hmmmm..wonder who made that decision? Couldn't be big oil men? Did they have any idea what would happen in the future? Let's think about it...hmmm..I'm a big oil dude...shut down refineries....WOW, that will make my gas MORE expensive and I won't have to spend more money on building new ones! AWESOME! I deserve another 100 million dollars. Hmmm...I wonder if this will harm the country,,,,maybe, oh well. If the FTC or SEC decide to investigate I'll just give MY senator a call and remind him who financied his campaign.
Yes, companies, even oil companies deserve to make mucho profit but not at the expense of the American consumer. Remeber last November when the big oil tycoons were called before a senate panel to answer their questions about the skyrocketing oil prices? Remember what happened when one senator wanted the big wigs sworn in? All hell broke loose and the head of the committee stood up for the poor ol' oil tycoons. Awwww...
Well, since you're Mr. Big Business dude, tell me what Mr Raymond did to earn his 400 million dollar retirement package and tell me where the money came from.