Watchtower "Worship"

by Sunspot 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sunspot

    Let's discuss "Watchtower worship"....or the understanding OF the idea of "worship". This is defined as "a reverence for God" in my dictionary.

    Along the lines of the idea of "worship", we find a definite lack of any demonstration concerning worship within the confines of the Kingdom Halls operating under the Watchtower beliefs and actions. what I mean is this...

    1) That the WTS completely avoids the use of the word "church"....where typical Christians relate gathering together FOR worship. (Even the bible uses the word church quite often with this understanding---but the NWT writers have seen fit to eliminate the word)

    2) That the WTS uses the word "hall", as in Dance hall, Community hall, Pool hall or Union hall, etc.

    NO feeling of worship conveyed at all.

    3) The WTS lists their newer buildings now as "Learning Centers", (and I suppose are more politically correct in their view) etc....but then it could be a typical school or private college if one didn't know who they were.

    NO idea of worship even conveyed there.

    4) The JWs boast to others about their "pure worship" but they don't actually seem TO worship at the Kingdom Halls...but they DO listen to the same talks in the same order, in the same way and hearing the same points given on how to speak in The Ministry School.

    NOT (pure) worship.

    5) And the JWs learn how to better present their literature as seen during the "Service Meeting". The JWs get sales tips, important tactics and relevant demonstrations.

    NOT (pure) worship.

    6) In any Kingdom Hall...there is NO indication of a belief in God OR Christ, as in pictures, statues, etc on the walls, or on the building itself. No clue who or what they believe in OR KHs are devoid of ANYTHING that would give a hint that "anyone worships" there.

    Pure worship??? Doesn't appear to be.

    7) A WTS "Public Talk" just what it states....a talk primarily geared toward the "public".. A Watchtower Representitive on a stage....telling others what the WTS beliefs are.

    NOT worship.

    8) The "Watchtower STUDY".....discusses what the Watchtower Society wants the JWs to "learn" by pre-printed questions and answers from the paragraphs in the WT magazine they already have from home and have preciously read..(and studied) in order to be "prepared" to study at the Kingdom Hall.

    NOT worship.

    9) The "Congregation Bookstudy"....just what it says. And another printed question and answer session taken from a pre-chosen book that each JW must have. NOT worship.

    10) Is this "Perpetual Indoctrination"??....or pure worship...I say NOT worship..(would YOU?).... NOT worship---pure or otherwise.

    The WTS mocks those who have "emotional worship", and anyone that has deep feelings that well up inside when they worship, but are definitely frowned on by the JW population as ones having a part of "false religion".

    A personal relationship with Jehovah is permitted by the WTS (most JWs seem to agree on this) but is quite limited in that they are NOT permitted to have...

    anyone thinking that they have a personal relationship with Jesus....and sneers at anyone else that has this. The WTS has decided this.Go figure.

    This cold and clinical approach to what they consider "worship",

    The cold and clinical buildings that they "worship" in,

    Their cold and clinical stance on how "others worship" so in contrast to other's WAYS...of worship,

    Their cold and clinical shunning policy as enforced BY the WTS on those who disagree with "the WTS form of worship and their erroneous teachings,

    and the fact that it looks to BE that the WTS and its followers don't know HOW to worship as they are classifying their own buildings for meeting together AS where they "LEARN WTS TEACHINGS"....

    and NOT to "worship".

    Have we seen any indication of "a reverance for God" OR of any "feelings of worship given" here?

    The question must then be asked....when, how and where and who--- DO they "worship"?

  • candidlynuts

    A personal relationship with Jehovah is permitted by the WTS (most JWs seem to agree on this) but is quite limited in that they are NOT permitted to have...

    anyone thinking that they have a personal relationship with Jesus....and sneers at anyone else that has this. The WTS has decided this.Go figure.

    well according to the wtbs Jesus isn't our mediator between God and man.just between god and the faithful and discreet slave.

    great post.. i think anyone who has read recent watchtowers, heard recent talk rotations, know how little is spoken about God and Jesus at is all loyalty to the org, submitting to the org, obeying the org...

    even the memorial..which might could be the closest thing to 'worship' the jw's do. is tainted because no one can partake, and the entire talk is about the org !

  • lovelylil

    The whole point of the organization is that it is set up so everyone is unknowingly worshiping it and not God or Christ. The Watchtower is one big Idol. This started with Rutherford. I don't believe a lot of what Russell taught either but he did not stress the organization back then and at least you could have a personal relationship with God thru Christ. That all changed when Rutherford took over. For those who may not agree with me that they are worshipping the org.

    and are still in the Org. Ask yourself these questions:

    1. How many times a day do I wonder what the Society (instead of Jehovah, Jesus or the Bible) has to say about a certain issue?

    2. Why is the faithful slave (the organization) thanked for spiritual food, instead of Jehovah or Jesus?

    3. Do I believe everything written in the WT magazine, comes down from Jehovah himself?

    4. Do I study the WT mags and society books more than I read and meditate on Gods word the bible?

    5. Do I believe I need the Organization to interpret everything in the bible for me, and that I cannot get the right understanding by reading the bible alone?

    After leaving the Org. I realized how stupid I was in the first place for automatically accepting the faithful slave as being inspired by Holy Spirit and appointed by Jehovah when I had never even met any of them in person nor had any proof at all they they even were anointed by God. I asked and elder about this once: how do you know they are really "anointed" and he said, they just are. Geez, why did I not run then?

  • blondie
    1. How many times a day do I wonder what the Society (instead of Jehovah, Jesus or the Bible) has to say about a certain issue?

    2. Why is the faithful slave (the organization) thanked for spiritual food, instead of Jehovah or Jesus?

    3. Do I believe everything written in the WT magazine, comes down from Jehovah himself?

    4. Do I study the WT mags and society books more than I read and meditate on Gods word the bible?

    5. Do I believe I need the Organization to interpret everything in the bible for me, and that I cannot get the right understanding by reading the bible alone?

    Good questions! Should be read by every JW before they study the weekly WT study article.


  • Honesty

    A study of antichrists reveals that the WATCHTOWER BIBLE and TRACT SOCIETY's meets all the requirements. The JW's are being deceived into putting faith in an organization that has an ultimate goal of keeping them alienated from Jesus.

    The following WATCHTOWER article is very clear on where JW's are directed to put their faith:


    w79 3/1 p. 12 Faith in Jehovah’s Victorious Organization ***
  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    That has been the problem all along! The WTB&TS "thinks" GOD ONLY goes through the so called FDS and then they give the "New Light" to the sheep. As a matter of fact, with out question of any kind, you must do ANYTHING these mere mortals say as you are suppose to consider every word from them as the VERY WORD OF GOD.

    It would seem to me that JESUS would be insulted by the actions of the so called FDS and the other high and mighty (nose in the air) elders !!!

    The real facts are: Most JWs shit on everyone else if given half a chance to do so. They do a good job on each other......the rest is history! Just ask around!

    Just some thoughts, I could be wrong!

  • heathen

    I think more importantly the question should be , " is this really the truth" ? How many times can an organization say it's the truth and then change it later after having argued time and again that it was the truth ? I know I've heard them argue the "society says " on many issues but they are easily proven false by looking at the scriptures . I think that's why they don't want people reading the bible without their explanations in the books . Once you start questioning the tower you are automatically marked as a trouble maker .

  • Sunspot

    A study of antichrists reveals that the WATCHTOWER BIBLE and TRACT SOCIETY's meets all the requirements. The JW's are being deceived into putting faith in an organization that has an ultimate goal of keeping them alienated from Jesus. Those of us who hve left this evil cult had already figured this out! It's nice to know that those conducting independent studies of this have come to the same conclusuion!

    The following WATCHTOWER article is very clear on where JW's are directed to put their faith:

    *** w79 3/1 p. 12 Faith in Jehovah’s Victorious Organization *** (can't turn off the yellow---) Soo....WHO does the BIBLE say for a Christian to put his faith in? organization???? I think NOT...but the slimy WTS will certainly say otherwise! Somehow, some way.

  • Sunspot
    It would seem to me that JESUS would be insulted by the actions of the so called FDS and the other high and mighty (nose in the air) elders !!!

    Most assuredly! I think we ALL know how He feels about how HIS sheep are being beaten and kept as slaves.....

    (and I don't think you are wrong )

  • heathen

    you are so right sunspot the meetings are not about worship , it's about brainwashing . What gets me too is they refuse to kneel in prayer . The bible says every knee in heaven and earth would bend before jesus christ and they are always trying to petition the throne of christ in their prayers < yet what do they do ? they stand . Then they trash the catholic church for having pews for people to kneel . These people are retarded . That's what I think . Jehovahs "special" people . LOL it's like they are on the small bus to heaven , the one for special people ......

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