Watchtower "Worship"

by Sunspot 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sunspot

    Slick Willie said;

    ***"My heart was overflowing with joy, thankfulness, and reverence to God after having spent so much time reading Christ's own words. How did this "spiritual" Pioneer sister react? She got a very stony look on her face and said (in a very hard tone) 'That's funny because I don't ever feel religious!' Then she stalked away from me! I really felt like I had made a major faux pas there (and of course now I realize I did!) "

    When you go against the grain with the WTS "program" encounter this look of either dismay or disapproval---or both at times! Having an independent thought, as you well know, is a no-no of the highest degree. Come to think of it....we DIDN'T "feel religious" as JWs! Weird when you stop and analyze all of this, huh?

    God's ONLY chosen religion that he approves of----is not supposed to feel IS something to think about.

  • Sunspot

    Heathen said;

    ***"I can't say I have a problem with mistakes being made because that is unavoidable .

    architect said;

    ***"Jehovah is dealing with imperfect men and so things could be given to us by mistake.

    The "problem IS" with the fact that ANYTHING the "WTS SEZ" ....then MUST BE understood and obeyed as curret truth! They absolutely INSIST upon this, and all JWs must agree or be seen as weak or apostate....a get an "invisible label" attached to your face after this....not to mention you will be "watched" s you don't speak about your doubts to any other JWs.

    There is a difference between being arrogant and saying "we think this"...and it goes above and beyond someone offering an opinion. I feel we have every right to hold their smug and self-righteous feet to the fire each and every time this cult revises, alters or outright changes it's unbiblical and unchristian teachings.

    I don't have to follow what these charlatans say any more....and I don't have to swallow their lame excuses any more either. They have overused and beaten to the death---the "we be imperfekt" crap as they spout their foolish doctrines.

  • Sunspot

    Thank you all for your comments!

    I appreciated every one.



  • candidlynuts

    i hope this makes it over to the "best of" categories..

    some good research and a great discussion here.

    thanks sunspot.

  • moomanchu
    That the WTS uses the word "hall", as in Dance hall, Community hall, Pool hall or Union hall

    Why are they called Kingdom Halls ?? Just to be different from other christian congregations?

    To be part of the Kingdom of God you must be of the 144,000.

    So why is the Great Crowd mostly in these Kingdom Halls?

    Kingdom Halls, I don't get it?

  • kwr

    Even if you disagree with the Jehovah's Witnesses that doesn't mean they are wrong or bad people. The bible teaches that all who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. It does not matter if you are Jewish, Baptist, Catholic, Muslim or Unitarian. Those that believe in God will be saved. We must follow God's laws especially not to murder or be sexually immoral as pointed out in Revelation 22:15. But different customs and beliefs by religious groups does not mean they will be forsaken by God.

  • serendipity

    Hi kwr and welcome to the forum!

  • yaddayadda

    6) In any Kingdom Hall...there is NO indication of a belief in God OR Christ, as in pictures, statues, etc on the walls, or on the building itself. No clue who or what they believe in OR KHs are devoid of ANYTHING that would give a hint that "anyone worships" there.

    That's not quite correct. Every Kingdom Hall out the outside has 'Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses' so they clearly identify Jehovah as who they are all about.

    It all depends how you define what 'worship' is. Is anyone interested in posting up every reference to 'worship' in the NT so we can use that as the benchmark. I think you will find it covers a range of things, such as, prayer, song, preaching, reading your bible, charitable works, etc. JW's sing and pray and read their bibles, so they do some worship for sure, let's be reasonable. And at least they try to worship 'the Father' (John 4:23) and give him most of the credit, as Jesus himself did, although it is true they grossly fail to honor Jesus sufficiently (John 5:23) and definitely revere the Watchtower Society ahead of Christ.

    I've been to some of the contemporary churches and there is a lot of fluff and emotionalism in them, for sure. I think all of these modern 'rock n roll' religions are just at the other end of the spectrum to the JW's - they are all singing, emotions, waving your arms, jumping up and down like a tribal African, etc. Music seems pretty much their substantive form of worship. I don't see much of an emphasis on music in the NT. And it's all directed to Jesus, in direct contrast to Jesus emphasis on worship of the Father. I find the pentecostal church type worship often pretty mawkish and superficial. It can be just as obnoxious as the JW's emotionally sterile, book-wormy style. JW's are on the other extreme - they have no sense of real joy in their worship, no idea about having a relationship with Christ, no praise from the heart.

    They are all just as guilty as each other. No one has the right balance.

    I'm no WT apologist, I just think this thread is portraying a bit of a false dichotomy.

  • heathen

    yaddayadda -- I think this thread is showing the WTBTS for what it is . There is no freedom to stray from any of their directorates. They never have prayer sessions for the sick , as I said they refuse to kneel while praying , they lack humility and only want to exalt themselves over each other . The memorial is supposed to be a ritual of worship and take a look at what they do with that .The first church would encourage people to prophesy where as the WTBTS forbids anybody to say anything against their dogma . They have a lousy record of prophesy but will to this day pretend they had it right all along . They really are miserable scoundrels.

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