zev -you got me, I don't have an image of myself online so I used Kelsey's. I figured it's close enough. But I guess I should take it off. Their server must take a hit everytime the image is downloaded, and can be traced here. I don't want anyone violating a copyright infringement. I'm afraid I don't remember you. If that is you in the image, it's either too small for me to recognize or I've completely forgotten who you are. send me a private email if you wish.
Thanks for you candor. I was simply making the post to generate thinking. His books certainly were/are an eye opener. I appreciate what he has to say. Deacon, thank you for that. Everyone has an opinion, I just didn't know it had to agree with every body else's. I thought that is the kind of thinking these forums were attempting to shatter; you know to buck the system, to challenge it, to foster open ideas; that everyone has their own voice. And not be a parrot for others.
I guess people rate here too, because, "I'm a friend of Mr. Ray Franz, and you aren't". I didn't know it was used as a status symbol. Who is this guy, Randy Waters? The leader of the new church?
Everyone, thanks for your opinions.