Do I need to be Readjusted in my thinking?

by enlightenedcynic 49 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • thecarpenter

    That 3% I believe is not considered interest, but the rate of inflation. It would, in fact, be considered without interest.

    I hate to burst some balloons but a 3% interest rate is pretty much the average interest rate in the US for the last what?, 50 years? So the society lending out a loan at 3% is in line with inflation (as for a adjustable mortgage, it is just a lot easier to have a fixed rate without having to reconfigure it every time the federal reserve meets to jack up or lower rates.. The only problem I have is why the kingdom hall fund needs to be paid back at all, wasn't it all donated in the first place through the kingdom hall fund? What happens to all this money when it is paid back? The rate of growth has slowed down and now what about all this money coming in every year from these loans?

  • enlightenedcynic


    I agree, 3% interest is pretty standard, but again the question to be asked is why the WTBTS is charging interest at all to its "brothers". As you also pointed out, money is still coming in, in large amounts I might add, from the kingdom hall fund. The WTBTS is just a big racket and scam and they have the perfect dupes in all of us who continue to attend meetings, donate cash and ask no questions.


  • rebel8
    My theory is cause they would be eligible for a tax write off of the interest. Getting it back twice so to speak.

    I believe the WTS is tax exempt, so there is nothing to write off.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    Where else but the Watchtower Soceity can you find such a scam?

    I'm sure we wouldn't have to look very far.
    Not trying to pick elsewhere, but scumbags are everywhere.

  • Slick Willie
    Slick Willie

    This is a really interesting thread....

    This reminded me of how the "worldly" charity Habitat for Humanity helps low income individuals own their own homes.

    1) Individual puts in XX number hours ("sweat equity") helping to build the home alongside qualified construction workers. (Similar to how congregation members volunteer for quick builds.)

    2) The individual pays for the actual cost of materials only through repayment of a NO INTEREST loan!

    This allows the individual to have a new, well built, home that they can afford and that THEY will eventually own!

    Now if Habitat for Humanity can do this for low income individuals why can't the WTS do this for their own congregations? Yeah, right!!!

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Enlightened,

    I have one for you.... see how screwed up this is..

    Back east, my Aunt and her Elder Husband were terribly upset when the congregation they had sold, and then they could not build again. They had "permission" to sell the hall and use the money to build. Straight from the Society. So.. the hall sold, and different ones put money with it to make the chunk bigger that they would have to work with. Then the Elders informed the congregation that they needed to send the money back to Brooklyn until they needed it. Well, the plan was to "borrow" the money with INTREST,( I might add back from the Society). Except one thing....the Society DENIED them the funds to build a new hall!! Yep folks, you heard me..the Society said that halls were needed more in other places, so they were going to put the money to use doing just that. Right!! Like we believe them!! Since then, at least a couple of years, they have to travel 30 minutes each way to go to a neighboring Kingdom Hall!! For me this was straight from the horses mouth! My Aunt was a regular Pioneer for years, until my Grandmother needed her constant care. My Uncle still is still an Elder, so I have it from a very reliable source, what actually took place. It really stumbled ALOT of different ones. Many have since said they would have NEVER added money from their own savings if they had known there was a chance they would not get a Hall out of it! I was floored by this. My Aunt and Uncle eventually slowly put it behind them as best they could. Racking it up to the fact that they are right, some brothers only have shacks to meet in. Which is true, but the Society deliberatly let them believe they were going to be able to build. My Aunt says they would have never ever sold their Hall if they knew this would happen. Anyhow.. your story reminded me of this one! Suprised, but not shocked are you all??


    Lady Liberty

  • jw
    Post 1147 of 1188
    since 04-Oct-04

    That's strange that you would say that jw because you had stated:

    What years were you an active Jw? still am.

    When was the last year you attended a meeting? Still attend .

    Were you a true christian or did you live a double life? I feel I am a true christian.

    What turn you away from the WTS? I never was a WTS worshipper just a JW.

    Do you consider yourself a christian , agnostic or an athiest now and why? Christian

    You say you don't lead a double life; why do you visit this board? You better be worried if someone knows you're here. You'll be DF in a NY minute. (pun not intended)

    Why do you care what the WTS does w/claiming interest twice? You said you really don't care what the WTS does. (paraphrased by me)

    What is a Christian to you??

    Juni (confused by jw's answers)

    deja vu : Why do I keep reading the same ole same ole as above all the time. Like a broken record. Give it up already. It does N/A!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • MidwichCuckoo

    Juni - I think you're questions were too difficult for jw to answer - maybe you could simplify them?

  • enlightenedcynic

    Lady Liberty,

    I wish I could say that I am shocked by your experience....I am not. I am not shocked by anything the society does anymore. The only feelings I get now are ones of cynicism, and disgust.


  • AuldSoul

    Once again, jw, someone was confused by your choice of name. People here associate all sorts of things to the term "jw" and we have adopted it as a familiar reference for an organization we loathe that has consumed a lot of individuals we love (or loathe, in the case of some individuals).

    You often get angry that an association to the initials "jw" that was established long before you arrived causes some to make completely reasonable assumptions about your beliefs and your allegiance to an organization of which you are not a part. Well, to me, it seems irritatingly foolish of you. Accept the fact that you will always be reminding people that you are not a JW in the sense that they understand it, get very used to the idea because it will be the reality for you posting here.


    edit to add: JW, please clear something up for me. Were you ever a baptized publisher associated to the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses or the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., of Pennsylvania, or any other organization recognized as belonging to, or sponsored by, Jehovah's Witnesses by the general public? If so, in what year were you baptized? This will clarify things for me considerably.

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