Dune, you should (must) call the police and tell them everything you have been told by her. This is a crime and has to be stopped and punished! Also call the child care department (or equivalent) and make sure to mention they are JW’s, hopefully they might be familiar with the special problematic. Call the police NOW! Don’t wait!
"My Dad is Watching Pornography" JW TEEN part 2. BAD!
by Dune 42 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Dune - this has NOTHING to do with the Elders. It's a CRIMINAL offence. If you heard of someone being murdered would you leave it to the Elders? NO - they have NO Authority.
Additionally your friend and any other eyewitness must a baptized Jehovah's Witness in good standing (you know how worldly people can lie)
Sorry to read of your ordeal Big Tex. The above statement is all about protecting the Org - would they apply the same rules if a JW child was molested by a ''WORDLY'' person? Maybe if there were Wordly people as witnesses? I think NOT.
Just report it, Dune, you can do it anonymously. The secular authorites are better equipped to investigate this. In many states you are required to do this legally anyway.
Find your state on the url above.
It would be showing love to the victim and any other children he comes in contact with.
Blondie (child abuse survivor)
Call the police NOW and you can do it from a public phone booth so that it's anynomous. You wouldn't want to hang from the end of a rope waiting for the elders to call the cops. If anything, they'll try and discourage the family from phoning the cops because that would "bring reproach" upon the congregation. While you're at it, phone the local newspapers too.
drew sagan
I say report it as well. If this guy is on the internet doing all kinds of stupid stuff as well as molesting his daughter who's to really know how the police found out????
Call the police. This is a crime. I guarantee you the elders will not call the police even if they live in a state where it is mandated by law that you do so. Their first reaction, no matter who the elders are, is to protect their mother organization above all else. The young girl who was molested will most likely be counciled too as the elders will try to say she must have led her father on. I know it sounds sick but I know many this has happened too. This will only traumatize her more. She and her sister who thinks this act occured due to porn watching need to know that it happened because their father is a pedophile, and no other reason. I am not saying watching porn is o.k., but most men who watch adult women in porn, while they may have a lower opinion of women than other men, do not go out and perform sex acts on children! And his own daughter, how disgusting. The guy needs to be in jail. And another thing, he is probably counting on the elders not reporting him to the police. Please let us know how it turns out.
Yes, please let us know how things turn out.
Dune - YOU call the police.
Ditto!!!!!!!!!!!! She is a child now & unable to imagine how much good it will do her for the authorities to get involved.
yes. call the cops.
as far as i understand, the elders are told to notify the cops and then patterson service upon finding out - i don't know in what order. that letter came to the elders 2 years ago?
Lady Liberty
Dear Dune,
I agree!! You MUST report what you know!! Who knows what this sicko will try next!! My very dear friend and all her sisters were being molested by her stepfather, and ALSO and other friends they may bring over or that may stop by. By your reporting this who knows how many others you may save from this HORRIBLE, SICK, tragety!! These kinds of people don't just decide to quit! They are truely sick and need HELP!! We are confident you will do the right thing!! Keep us posted!
Lady Liberty