Verizon is full of shit they do not have the best network or the least dropped calls! Cingular is the best yes they have prepaid phone service! Too bad your not starting in Florida 'anne shirley' could probably get you a free phone! (she works for cingular!)
As to the 2 days from NYC to niagara falls... That's like an 8 hour drive and then what are you going do do watch the water fall for 2 days? Try 2 HOURS then you've pretty much seen the water falling... Toronto is a few short hours (like 1.5) up the lake and Toronto is AWESOME my favorite city on the planet (thus far) and the drive from NY to Florida is actually lots of fun (I've done it many many many times) and only takes 17-20 hours of driving! If you decide to drive taking 81 south is much more scenic than 95 and if you can get off on the blue ridge thats a great drive! Once you get to florida There are a LOT of speed traps especially near the middle of the state around gainesville/waldo areas like that! You should check out the springs and crystal river is a MUST for divers and snorklers as is Ginnie springs/ichetucknee area! This is a bad time of year for Disney, as much as I like Disney its just so hot and crowded right now! Of course cir De soleil in downtown Disney is a hoot and well worth the time and money! If you need any more hints for things to do on the east coast PM me or email [email protected] and I'll give you any hints or pointers I can think of!