CO Meeting w/Elders ("Lazy elders", Tattoos, Auto accidents)

by doinmypart 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • doinmypart

    A few points from the 2006 Biannual C.O. meeting w/Elders & MS. The theme was "Take a Personal Interest in Others"...Phil 2:4,5

    Shepherding work
    We have lives in our hands. Spend time having meaningful conversations at the KH. Shepherding calls can be done at meetings, by phone, and in field service. Determine the spiritual condition of the person and try to use at least one or two scriptures. The elders & servants should know where all the publishers live.

    Public talk
    Some elders are taking this privilege lightly, not showing up for talks and leaving the congregation in the lurch. Notify the congregation asap if an unusual circumstance prevents you from giving a talk.

    Some are wearing tattoos they got after being baptized. How should this be viewed? (Lev 19:28; g00 8/8 p 18, 19) All things are lawful, but not advantageous. This could affect us as ministers, we don't want to be associated w/certain elements that wear tattoos. If a publisher has a tattoo he should be discrete and cover it.

    Reporting auto accidents
    If a publisher is involved in an auto accident resulting in death or serious injury, immediately call the Legal Department. The Organization is not responsible for us going into field service, this is a personal matter. To protect the Society's interest call the Legal Department immediately.

    My comments:
    Shepherding calls aren't being done. Between the fact that some elders are busy and some don't care, shepherding/pastoral care is going by the wayside. WTS doesn't want elders to restrict shepherding calls to a person's home.

    Elders not showing up for public talks is a problem I've witnessed in more than a few congregations. Again, the problem has to do mostly with the quality of elders the WTS has.

    Tattoos...of all the things to be concerned with, these guys have weightier things to deal with (blood policy, pedo problem, dwindling funds) and they still try to control the smallest details of people's lives. Issuing prohibitions on whether a person puts ink in his/her skin based on an OT scripture...these old fools don't have a clue.

    Auto accidents
    I found it interesting that the WTS would print/CO would read a comment about field service being a personal matter. I really hope one day some pissed off CO/DO publishes all these type letters & memos online.

  • Elsewhere
    Reporting auto accidents

    If a publisher is involved in an auto accident resulting in death or serious injury, immediately call the Legal Department. The Organization is not responsible for us going into field service, this is a personal matter. To protect the Society's interest call the Legal Department immediately.

    Is there any way one of those legal cases can be found? I would love to have it in black and white that the Watchtower Society does not require one to go out in field service... this could be useful for those who are still "in" and being threatend by the elders for having low field service time.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    They are being affected by a workman's comp. case at Bethel. I am sure they are scared of this spreading to publishers while out in field service. Don't think it would succeed though.

  • willyloman

    If I go to work and kill someone while operating machinery on the job, does my employer insist that my coming to work that day is a personal matter? And this would absolve them from any liability in a court of law? Not very likely.

    Despite what the CO says, and he was told to say it, going out in field service is not a personal matter for JWs. Their publications make that clear and every dub knows it.

  • Lo-ru-hamah

    Thank you for the update.

    It is nice to know that things haven't changed. It is really sad that here the world is in the midst of war and terrorist attacks, etc. and they are worried about tattoos and lawsuits. Really great food at the proper time.


  • karen96

    I can't believe the lengths they go to to cover their arses! What a loving "mother" as they like to call themselves, they are!


  • Elsewhere
    What a loving "mother" as they like to call themselves, they are!

    More like Mommy Dearest!!!

    I said no wire hangers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • rekless

    If a publisher is involved in an auto accident resulting in death or serious injury, immediately call the Legal Department. The Organization is not responsible for us going into field service, this is a personal matter. To protect the Society's interest call the Legal Department immediately. I don't go out in service any more because I'm protecting the society's interest.

  • Warlock

    I thought the door-to-door work was "the most important work that one can be doing today"? "A never to be repeated work".

    I thought the Book of Acts made this perfectly clear in Acts 20:20?

    I thought Jesus taught his disciples to go out and "spread the word" in this manner?

    Hmmmmmm I must be thinking of some other religion.


  • Bstndance

    If a JW out in service caused an auto accident I'm almost positive an attorney would name the WTS in a lawsuit.

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