I know IP_SEC - I was trying to give emphasis to that cheekiness.
if an atheist does something good...
by DannyBloem 113 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I've been reading a fascinating book called Can We Be Good Without God? by Dr. Robert Buckman, that examines how behaviour, belonging and the innate need of humans to believe in "something" is wired into our brain circuitry. There's some really interesting stuff about how the brain can be stimulated during surgery and using EEG waves to elicit what people describe as "spiritual experiences".
"and this is your brain on God"
(I'll fess up. I didn't come up with that.)
But along with that: Dr. Michael Persinger from Laurentian University has also done alot of work with em fields and how they can induce religious and other paranormal experiences (eg. feeling invisible presences). Definitely fascinating stuff to look into.
On the question:
I'd consider the atheist "nobler" because they're in a position of authority (self autonomy) but are not abusing it (rather they're channeling their power for the greater good). I think that those kinds of atheists can offer more hope for humanity and the planet vs believers who let their ethics and morals be shaped by dubious religious authorities.
It's not about doing good things, it's about faith.
A person does good things because he is saved, not to be saved. -
Doing good things is good but it does not save anybody. The only way to be saved by doing good things is to do only good things for a life time. Past, present and future. But all have sinned and fallen short of the glory..... So it takes the grace of God, obtainable only by faith, through the sacrifice of Christ.
I agree with tetra, morality is a slippery thing.
As a JW I believed that sex before marriage was 'wrong', now my perspective has changed. If my 18 year old son dates a girl, grows to have feelings for her that are returned, shows her respect and treats her kindly why would it be wrong for the two of them show their love for each other physically? In fact I'd say that would be a 'good' thing.
Of course, if my 18 year old son just wanted to screw around . . . . . . . . get the picture?
I too used to reason that if an atheist does a good thing, "does it not mean much more then when a theist does the same". It's a very good point but I no longer think it's as simple as that, it's about motivation and it's about the kind of person you want to be. That self-identity can be arrived at through your belief system or you can define it independantly - either way it's your choice how you behave, believer or not.
However, atheists are waaay cooler than believers!
If a tree falls down in a forest and no one is around to hear it does it make a sound?
Double Edge
If a tree falls down in a forest and no one is around to hear it does it make a sound?
Yes and no.
I'm tending towards atheism, but believe in 'doing good' because I think that we mostly attract the qualities that we are.
I am glad that people do good things, whatever their motive.
BUT I would feel better (more "warm fuzzies") from accepting an act of kindness from someone who genuinely wants to be nice to me than I would from someone who is just being nice so they get some reward.
The atheist in that case would be more genuine.
But I have known lots of devout believers that are really nice just cause they are nice people. Not all believers are just nice because it gets them somewhere.