This doesn't have anything to do really with the topic but its funny so I will share with you.
My best friend is an Atheist, I trust him more than my JW brothers (Blood brothers) and he actually has a friend who he works with and hangs around with after work, who is a JW, (I'm not sure how much of a JW he is for having a friend like him) anyway, my friend (Atheist) is always talking crap to his friend (JW) yesterday he told me that he said to (JW boy) "My god thinks your god doesn't exists", I nearly choked on my coffee from laughing!
This (JWboy) who only acts like a JW when its for his own benifit, case in point, my friends b-day, JWboy didn't show up to the party, but will accept B-day presents, and last year he came to our Halloween party, but got offended over a ouji board that was at the party, and it was there only as a decoration. Well Atheist friend got pissed off at JWboy over him preaching about it at the Halloween party and told him FCUK Jehoebah, I wish you could have seen the look on JWboy's face, I think he wanted to cry. Don't mess with a drunk Atheist.