National Healthcare for the USA

by sammielee24 348 Replies latest jw friends

  • wednesday

    I was reading the medicare assigments . My doctor has chosen to "opt out' of medicare. they don't pay enough. so he is supposed to tell his patients so they don't file for reembursment. apparently that is part of the agreement, if you opt out, the patient can not get reimbursed, but they must be told before hand. So the doc says he won't take medicare and medicare says ok but your patinets can't file for reimbursments. (ie if he has patients that still chose to se him after he declares he has opted out of medicare)

  • LDH

    Yes, Swalker, Really. I swear. check out

    My doctor has chosen to "opt out' of medicare

    This is happening all over the country. I have several relatives that work in the health care system and they are very concerned with what they are seeing taking place. I just hope it doesn't have to get a lot worse before major changes take place.


  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    "As an example, here ya go HL You said you can't afford to add your kid to your plan. "

    She doesn't qualify. We fall in the middle with the other 45 million who make too much for federal aid and not enough for private insurance.

  • sammielee24
  • guarantees that if we go over budget, we snatch the assets of everyone who signed the bill and voted for it
  • guarantees that we as a nation educate Drs. and other valuable health care professionals so they do not start practice hundreds of thousands in debt
  • guarantees a standard of living that attracts the best and the brightest
  • guarantees that we address the medical malpractice industry (meaning we strip it out completely so that no one is entitled to any damages because god forbid we sue out 'neighbors' who are helping fund the medical care)
  • guarantees that we as a nation do not increase our Social Service program users because of putting this system into play
  • guarantees that we as a nation be entitled to be educated and see the NUMBERS for the proposal so that we have a choice and are not forced into it.
  • guarantees that we set a cost on a human life, so that we do not spend $2,000,000 on a premature baby at 26 weeks and then millions for the rest of that person's life.
  • guarantess that the program has the ability to monitor and force treatment to stave off greater costs down the road (think diabe
  • ..and all this time I thought you were the one who planned ahead, scrimped, saved, suffered, toiled...never would be caught without a back plan..independent, smart, educated and quick to point out that there are no rights or guarantee's in life.....are any of your family thinking of entering the medical field by chance? swife.

  • LDH

    SKIP income guidelines effective
    April 1, 2006
    Family size* Annual family income Monthly family income
    2 $26,400 $2,200
    3 33,200 2,767
    4 40,000 3,334
    5 46,800 3,900
    6 53,600 4,467
    7 60,400 5,034
    8 67,200 5,600
    * Add $6,800 to the annual family income for each additional family member. "Family size" is the total number of people in your household.

    HL pardon me for intruding and I don't know your exact circumstances, I'll speak in generalities.

    I was in my early twenties with a child as a single parent making less than $20K full time many years ago and I STILL had enough money to put her on my employer's health plan.There were bills I always paid. Rent. Food. Gas. Utilities. Car Note. Insurance.Everything else was frequently "rob Peter to pay Paul." The $85 a month to insure my daughter was the least of my problems.

    If there are just the two of you, that's $26,400. They don't count your first car as an asset.

    If you are making more than that, you're close to $30K and well able to afford the cost to add a child to your coverage. Not doing it endangers your financial security! You must have other priorities. I didn't.


    and all this time I thought you were the one who planned ahead, scrimped, saved, suffered, toiled...never would be caught without a back plan

    If the government forces me to go on NHS they have taken away my options and therefore eliminated planning.


  • LDH
  • sammielee24
    If the government forces me to go on NHS they have taken away my options and therefore eliminated planning.

    ...sounds an awful lot like an excuse to me...if NHS replaces your insurance premiums and deductible there wouldn't be an increase in the amount you pay out, nothing would change except maybe your job but surely you've planned for every eventuality so that would be covered anyway....if the government imposes their methods on me - they will have stripped me of my plans for my future? Thats interesting. Not sure why you think that way - but its interesting regardless. swife

  • LDH
    nothing would change except maybe your job but surely you've planned for every eventuality so that would be covered anyway

    My current plan is to go to Dinuba, CA during table grape harvesting at around 2 in in afternoon when its 102* Fahrenheit. I'll yell "F&CK Cesar Chavez" at the top of my lungs and then run.

    I'm planning to do this while at work so I can at least be eligible for Worker's Comp payments.

  • SixofNine

    "Thought I would list the links of the ACTUAL organization that monitors world health, and some differences between Cuba and the US"

    Er... thanks? Those comparisons make my point rather dramatically.

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