I would add that the notions of "equality" or "hierarchy" do not actually belong to evolution as a scientific theory. They are cultural constructs which we project on the theory in an effort to justify our ethical views. In whatever "knowledge" we may have -- right or wrong, scientific or religious -- we always seek, and find, the mirror reflection of our own face.
And I think your last statement, is born out time and time again, especially by the religious. You have xenophobes deriving very prejudiced views and moderates finding tolerant views all in one and the same religious work. They see what they want to, and it shows who they are.
So what drives this behaviour? If its chiefly the issue of resources, then we have to wait till we have an almost Utopian world for all this strife to end. I'm wondering if tribalism and if group identity vs "other" would still bring about divisions and tensions in a world of abundant resources?