Thank you for your post, and though I diversify from the topic at hand slightly, I feel that it is important for you to understand exactly what a 'debate' entails, as you do not seem to have quite grasped the process yet, as TD notes.
A primary issue, called 'prima facie' is first laid down. In this case ThirdWitness did this by his affirmative, 'The Gentiles Times Reconsidered--Again but this Time By Using the Bible'. It is then up to ThirdWitness to prove his notion against his opposers, and for those debating against him to challenge his notions. Points or questions cannot be ignored. In a functioning debate, ignoring issues pertaining to the affirmative challenge loses points. Each point is dealt with in turn, proposed, challenged etc in logical progression. Debates should lead somewhere, and should teach. A good debater requires critical thinking skills, honesty and an ability to grasp the oppositions viewpoint.
Now, we cannot blame ThirdWitness totally for failing miserably at the debates he chooses to start on this Board. His deliberate policy of not answering questions that challenge, and in many ways undo his 'prima facie', and his ability to cheat logic by leaping over unproven bridges of illogic have been noticed by all his opposers.
The reality is that Jehovah's Witnesses have never been taught how to debate, but only to preach. If you recall we were actively dissuaded from even atempting to debate theology with those we met from door to door, which speaks for itself. Carl Jonsson admits that his 'downfall' as a JW was the moment he picked up a householders challenge to prove the 607BCE Brooklyn chronology - and we all know where that led. That is why ALL ThirdWitness attempts at debate invariably end up with him firing on all cylinders in preaching mode, and this is why he often struggles with being able to grasp the implications of another debaters point and leaves so many questions unanswered. It is easier to preach than to think.
Look back at all his answers when he is logically boxed in, and you will note, as does 'Scholar' another JW apologist on this Board, they invariably give way to preaching. So ThirdWitness cannot debate, but he can preach.
I cannot speak for you, but I have had enough preaching to last me 144,000 years. A little honesty is what I expect now.