Flash (from a few pages back)
Hang on. So all Christian institutions, now including the WTS, have been rejected, but JWs themselves are approved and you allow for the possibility that the RF of other religious groups are also approved - even though their core doctrines would disqualify them. I find that a teensy bit contradictory.
I'm thinking in terms of all of us being judged ultimately as indivduals. God, who is love, showing mercy by reading everyones heart, and approving people based on that rather than what religion their in.
... So I believe God will consider His people's failure and make allowances for those sincere in heart toward Him even with their inaccurate knowledge of Him.... Plus there are places around the world that will barely hear about Him and His promises. I can't believe He wont make allowance for that.
OK. I can go along with that.
Another question. If you think JWs are chosen above all others, what are the criteria by which they have been chosen, and how is that choosing evidenced? (all right, 2 questions LOL)
I think their take on their being the reconstituted true faith is correct. Also their core (biblical) beliefs that their faith is built on I see as evidence:
God has a name (Jehovah) and is not a trinity.
Jesus is God's first creation.
The Angelic rebellion is the source of all our troubles.
The Great Tribulation and Armageddon are literal and coming.
God will use the worlds governments to destroy world religion.
The Thousand Year reign is real.
The Resurrection is the only hope for the majority of the dead.
The Little Flock will become a literal Heavenly Government.
Satan and his Demons have a finite time to exist and will be terminated.
I know there are religions that teach some of these, but I have not yet heard of another religion that has all of these as the
foundation of their faith. I believe this is clear evidence as to having at one time had divine approval.
Many of those criteria are taught by others, and some that are distinctive to JWs are very debatable, biblically-speaking. And yet above you said that God would make allowances for people with a sincere heart, even with their inaccurate knowledge of Him. So can a group's spins on doctrine (which is subjective as far as we people are concerned anyway) really be used as concrete evidence as God's favor?
I believe this is clear evidence as to having at one time had divine approval. Again though, I think they fell hard in their faith after 1914 failed to produce Armageddon. That's when, IMO, the Evil Slave took over.
But again that's based on the premise that prior to 1914, God chose a group that had wackier doctrines than they have now! I can't see it.