not since Harding

by teejay 104 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyBear

    Hey Passionate One,

    Thought maybe since our last meeting at Dave's party, the theme 'pick on Shelby' were'nt talking to me anymore.

    ***NOT with the 'politics' discussed, but... your 'interchange'... understanding... and comraderie.***

    Ain't it fun? We could very well use your 'worldly' view as well. We will comraderie, right along with my dear!

    Pull up a chair, crack a bud (coors,amstel,dos xxxx's,) light a cigar, and ante up.

    Gotta watch that tj and larc, they are shifty boys, you really can't read their faces, never know if their holding four of kind, or pair of 2's. They got pocka faces.

    Anyway thanks for saying howdy.


  • AGuest
    Thought maybe since our last meeting at Dave's party, the theme 'pick on Shelby' were'nt talking to me anymore.

    Oh, DBear! NO WAY!! I ain't mad at 'cha. You spoke your mind... and you ALWAYS let me speak mine. I saw NO malice in your words, none whatsoever.

    (Besides, if I ain't mad at Kent, COMF, Fark, Naeb and company, how it the WORLD could I be mad at you?)

    No, dear one... my love for you has not and will not 'fail'.

    Peace... to you and all on the homefront!

    Your servant and friend,


  • teejay

    Yo, Shelby,

    Glad you've been enjoying the debate. I love these easy ones... you know, the ones that you can win! <hi, Larc!>

    Btw, I agree with my fellow playa DannyB... pull up a chair, we don't mind taking your money!! <hee hee> But you hafta watch that ol' Danny, and BigB is kinda tricky, too. Forget looking at their sad faces, though. They both are notorious about playing that trick...

    ... they're usually holding flushes of some kind. You better know what you're doing with those two!


  • Farkel


    : I LOVED this thread (may you all have peace)! Decided to stay out of it and just listen.

    Bullshit. You've already answered at least two or three times and you will answer a zillion times as long as people keep feeding your craving for attention.

    It's just your style. As I said, you are a narcissist. And that is a sickness. Get help, Shelby. I love you, too. I'm not mad at you as I already said even though your God was obviously too stupid or too clueless to "tell" you that I'm not mad at you; but instead, "told" you that I was mad at you. You dissed me and made up some excuse that I was "stubborn," and "proud." A statement like that is the "pure words" of dub-speak that you claim to eschew. You're still a dub with a new skin and dogma. In fact, you are continuing on the same path that I cautioned you about, which sadly is, desperately drawing attention to yourself: I ' M S H E L B Y ! P A Y A T T E N T I O N T O M E ! P L E A S E ! !

    I hope you deal with your problems. I think they are getting worse.

    BTW, since you have this "gift" that history has time-and-time proven that only religious fanatics, murderers, crusaders, warriers, and people who want to control and manipulate people is, to wit, "God speaks to/through me," I have a question for you. You've claimed that EVERYONE can have this "gift," yes? Well, since you "have" this gift and since you figured out how to "get" this "gift," then please tell we dummies how MANY OTHTER PEOPLE IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE have you taught HOW to get this "gift?" I'd bet a cup of coffee that your honest answer would be "zero." Oh, yes you "met" others who "have" this "gift" like Kes, et. al, but he already "had" that gift when you met him. So HOW many people have you helped to get to your level of DIRECT COMMUNICATION FROM GOD, Shelby? I'll still bet the answer is "zero." Why? Because,

    1) You are delusionary
    2) You are too selfish to share your "secrets" because that would take the interest and attention away from you
    3) It's all bullshit

    If "Life's Water" is so freaking "Free" then WHY are you and a few of your zany pals the ONLY ones who are drinking it? WHERE ARE YOUR truly converted ones who have learned to have the "gift" that you have?

    I still bet a cup of coffee on the true answer: zero.

    You are spitting uphill with the wind in your face, Shelby: another crusader with a Divine message and no followers. Why? Most people actually have this Satanic quality inside of them, the ultimate evil quality "true crusaders" utterly despise. We call it "being sensible." People like you call it, "Satanic/demonized."

    You call people like me "demonized." People like me call people like you "crazy" or "goofy." Which is the most judgemental epithet, Shelby, and who's right: those who claim imaginery friends like the GOD OF ALL GODS TALK to them PERSONALLY, or those who say, "Well, THAT is a really goofy notion? And why did you pick her? Why not me? Or why not have just a little God-toMan-Chat to the guys who just killed 5,000 people in New York?"

    It is all absolute and utter bullshit, and only someone totally insane would even attempt to make any sense out it.


    P.S. to teejay: sorry for my complicity in the hijacking of your thread. Really. I just couldn't resist, and I will be careful about getting sucked into doing that again.

    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • larc


    You started out by mentioning Clinton's rough start, by him making an issue of gay's in the military. I thought it was a mistake when he did it. The policy was pretty much "don't ask don't tell" before he brought it up. Though an issue, I thought it was a minor one compared to other societal issues we face. I think a mistake early on was at the other end of the spectrum, the issue of national health care. Whether it was a good idea or a bad one, it was simply too big to tackle and the effort collapsed under its own weight. I don't want to debate national health care. That should reserved for another thread with people who are more knowledgable about the issue than I am. There are pros and cons on both sides of this issue.

    If you had judged Clinton after these two failures, he would not have fared well. By the same token, it is too soon to judge Bush after less than 10 months in office. It is clear, that after the tragic event of last week, many democrates will vote differently than before the event. Definition of a conservative: a liberal that has been mugged. Well, my friend, our country has been mugged.

    Crime: Fine - I have no problem with this. I would imagine that the crime bill got a large majority vote in congress. A bipartisan issue.


    Family and Medical Leave Act - a nice touch that helps a few people who can afford to loose 12 weeks pay. Under Bush Senior two much more important pieces of legislation were passed. The American with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Civil Rights Act of 1991. These had beneficial effects on far more people, and had more impact on how companies do business with respect to human rights than did the family leave act.

    Tax Credits- a good thing
    Deadbeat parents - good, probably bipartisan

    Cutting Buraucracy - I have no information on this subject at this time.

    Education - student loans, these has been avialable for 50 years, so you would have to provide detail regarding what Clinton did new here.

    Safe and drug free schools - who can be against this? probably got bipartisan support.

    Economic - I disagree with your statment, "It is AGREED that HIS efforts" lead to a strong ecomomy. (All caps mine). There are many who don't believe this, that Greenspan has more power than the the president, and entrapenerialship and emerging technologies have more power than the government, no matter who is in office.

    NAFTA - I am surprised that you claimed this as a success. Reagon first mentioned free trade with Mexico in 1980. Bush Senior began the process for NAFTA in 1989, four years before Clinton came to office. The groundwork was laid before Clinton pushed forward a Republican idea. The Heritage Foundation Report #371, Nov. 23, 1993 described NAFTA as "a great victory for free trade conservatism." It was a victory for business and for consumers who didn't loose their jobs as a result of NAFTA. It was a failure for hundreds of thousands of American blue collar workers who lost good paying jobs as a result of NAFTA, as was predicted.

    The Environment - very complex subject. I will comment on another day.

    The World - Two docuements were signed. Did that make any difference?

    You listed a number of Clinton's accomplishments. Some of these had popular support with the public and with both parties and would have been accepted under any president. One was nice FMLA), but not as far reaching as his predecessor's legislation regarding humans rights One major piece of legistlation (NAFTA) had mixed results. It clearly helped business but hurt the blue collar worker, as predicted.

    How his track record compares to Bush Senior, I don't know. As you mentioned this kind of stuff could be debated for hours, and I have heard many such debates.

  • teejay

    ... to teejay: sorry for my complicity in the hijacking of your thread. Really. I just couldn't resist, and I will be careful about getting sucked into doing that again.

    No prob, Farkel! I don't believe in the concept of "hijacking threads." The originator of that stupid idea ought to get a clue about a couple of things.

    For one, normal dialog is generally alive, dynamic, and move from one line of thought to the next, and then the next as each succeeding point is discussed and points of view exhausted. Online discussions are no different.

    Secondly, if a thread happens to veer before the author of it is ready, it's their responsibility to redirect it, or be satisfied with (or shut up about) where it ends up. Nobody 'owns' anything here... it's a discussion board.

    You have "hijacked" no thread. While we're waiting on Larc to return from the 7-11 with chips and a fresh case of brew (sorry Danny, the liquor stores were closed -- no wine... darn!), you are more than welcome to participate in the topic at hand. Eh, that is, while you wait for Shelby.


  • DannyBear


    OK you rascal you. I will lower myself to cut and paste on my reply.
    Remember now you sly dog, this big bear aint very good with word parsing, so I will endeavor to 'cut to the quick'...please forgive my brevity.


    * The Brady Bill -- imposes a five-day waiting period on handgun purchases so that background checks can be done to help keep handguns away from criminals.***

    Of course blah blah blah blah Brady started this bill while Big Ronnie was in office blah blah go ahead and give 'liar boy' credit for taking out his pen. :)

    **** The Crime Bill -- he had pledged to put 100,000 new police officers on the street - the number of new cops eventually topped 110,000; made more offenses eligible for the death penalty; the "three-strikes-and-you're-out" provision; banned the manufacture of deadly assault weapons, while also protecting hunters' rights by exempting over 650 hunting rifles***

    You lumped to much praise blah blah blah blah blah every Republican worth his 'nasty mean title' blah blah Reagan/Bush were and still are loved by majority cops (republican) blah blah...cant give this one credit to Bubba C either, he just followed up with his 'bic'(?)





    Pretty good stuff but common now tj, leave for this, leave for that, you really think private enterprise can sustain loss, like big brother? Ok I will give you this one, but remember this when you are running your multi-million transportation company, and one of your first line driver's, misses his route for 3 months....see if you wana hire him back. Blah blah

    ***Cutting Bureaucracy

    * Despite the bold talk of Republicans like Reagan who didn't come through, following the recommendations of the National Performance Review, he cut the federal bureaucracy by one quarter of a million jobs -- its lowest level since the early 60s, including the reduction of the White House staff by 25 percent (was Aldrich, author of Unlimited Access fame, one of them? <g>)****

    He had to do it..blah blah we Republican had a contract with America to make him do so. Blah blah Aldrich finally quit he was so sick of em.


    We have after eight year of Big Bubba the worst education dept, the worst 'union' controled, bunch of cry baby, namsy pamsy blah blah blah we ever have in the history of our country. Thank you Big Bad Bill.

    Tax credits worhless to the average joe who needs help blah blah blah


    Iam proud you had enough sense not belabor this blah blah

    He road in on his big white (ass?) on the crest of Bush/congress, setting the stage for the best economy this country's seen since the 50's.

    ***The Environment***

    Oh boy blah blah everybody and his uncle has an idea about what is enviromentaly sound. You can't get any scientist to agree, let alone a bunch of politicians trying to score blah blah blah

    Who knows maybe the 'speckeled owl' would like living in between the steel girders of the Golden Gage? Blah blah


    Oh my god blah blah blah...the absolute worst record of any pres, when it came to anything outside the oval office, then he pretty well soiled up that place. World wide (dip) diplomat NOT Blah blah blah

    So in conclusion let me say BLAH.

    I know you have really appreciate all the time, research, and footnotes of sources, for this brilliant retort, to your blah blah blah blah. Thanks in advance.


  • DannyBear

    Farkel & Shelby,

    You two are not sittin a my table.

    There would be so many 'bullshits', 'lord tell me', 'peace to you so there', &*&^%$&((!!!!, 'dipfuck', 'praise jesus's I don't think I could pay attention to my hands.

    I like a table where a simple 'god damn' or 'shit' is utilized by the poor sucker who just lost the pot. I can deal with that, but you two are like fire and ice.

    God Shelby its obvious??????? he love's you. Now kiss and lets get back to the real serious game...POLITICS...blah blah blah

    Shelby call or raise??? Farkel damn it stop playing with Shelby it your 'bullshit' turn!


  • larc

    The Brady Bill,

    This is a feel good measure that has increased adiministrative costs for the local police and therefore the taxpayer and has no effect on violent crime. For a review of several research studies on this subject, see

    The Environment

    There is something in Economics called the Laufler Curve, which relates to how assetts are used. At one extreme, we could rape and pillage the landscape and all live in luxuary. No one promotes this. At the other extreme, we could all live in huts with no heat and no modern conveniences and a pristine environment. Sounds romantic, but I don't think anyone wants this either.

    I am all for cutting timber in national parks, but under very close supervision. This would lower building costs, create jobs and not destroy the forests. I am for further oil and gas exploration and drilling. We did it in Alaska with minimal damage to the wilderness. As a result, the citizens in Alaska not only do not pay state income taxes, they also get a check from the state government each year of about a thousand dollars each, every man, woman, and child. This is from the royalties from the oil company involved there. Not a bad deal.

    Your turn.

  • DannyBear

    Hey Reverend Guiltless,

    Stop telling me it's my turn.


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