Your original charge, re: Harding versus Bush was thoroughly discussed...
No, I don't believe it was.
On the first page you mentioned some supposed "accomplishments" of dubya. I responded with a blistering rebuttal, backed up with the facts. Above, I mention a couple of others -- one about his military "career" and the other his criminal record. In both cases, on the first page and this one, you have been silent. If your lack of response to just these evidences of the man's lack of qualification counts as agreement, then I guess you are right... it has been "discussed" with you in nodding agreement. So be it.
I am sorry for asking for an explaination for your rationale... for introducing facts about NAFTA ... for comparing the Family Leave Act with more important legislation. Bush Senior must have had ulterior motives.
No need for an apology. You asked for an explanation of my rationale I provided it. You introduced information about NAFTA. No problem. Bush, Sr. had ulterior motives? Okay. If you say so.
... for introducing facts about NAFTA which was clearly a Republican idea which ended up hurting the American work force.
Do you suppose the Republicans knew it would hurt a part of the American workforce? As I mentioned, we have entered a world economy. As sad as it is, Americans will have to adjust. Some will have to take a hit to their standard of living. Education and flexibility will be essential keys that will help workers to fit in with the changing economy.
Locally, there are several companies, a couple in the hi-tech industry (together employing around 5 - 7,000) have either relocated or are in the process of relocating to Mexico in the last five years. Some America-firsters feel that should not have happened. Others see progress. All depends on your world-view. As I said previously, overall I'm in favor of it. Mexico has been impoverished since the days previous to the Alamo. Hate to see anyone loose their job, though.
I would like to give a quote from today's newspaper from George F. Will...
"... this nation is pathologically unrealistic and risk-adverse to the point of paralysis. Warren Christopher visited Syria 24 times in four years. This diplomatic groveling was done in the bizarre hope that Syria, a sponsor of terrorism, would be cooperative regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Arafat was the most frequent foreign visitor to the Clinton White House."
Good 'ol George Will. <g> "Diplomatic groveling," eh? During other administrations that was called... "diplomacy." Bush's gung-ho, John Wayne, let's go get 'em approach is going to be expensive in more ways than one. He thinks he'll be able to extinguish a fire with a baseball bat. All he's going to do is start a lot of others.
This is where his stupidity, his arrogant appetite to undo all-things-Clinton, is going to cause a lot of hellish misery for a world of people. If he had shown a greater willingness to take the diplomatic approach, one favored by his Secretary of State (and every other president in recent memory, btw) and resisted by the young, hawkish turks surrounding him, it may have made a difference. Instead of taking an antiquated, 1950s America-first, to hell with the rest of the world approach and following Powell's more inclusive, multi-lateral stance (silenced, up 'till now), who knows? As it is, Bush is unstoppable in his aim to write a check that a whole lot of others are gonna hafta cash.
[FYI: Read Time magazine's Sept. 10 (!!) article about Powell. The title? "Odd Man Out -- Colin Powell is a global eminence. Yet on the Bush foreign policy team, his star somehow shines less brightly than expected. Why?"]
Why do you put a lable on me and call me a Republican, when I have tryed to be bipartisan and analyze Republicans and Democrats alike. I have tryed to be fair and even handed, and you accuse me of having an opinion. Shame on you.
Get a grip, Larc. Where did I "accuse you" of having an opinion? On second thought, what's wrong with the accusation? You DO have an opinion, don't you? I give you the right to accuse me of having an opinion any day. There will be no argument.
Here are your opinions, young puppy that you are. Democrats are wonderful, always have been, always will be. Republicans are evil. always have been, always will be.
No, that isn't my opinion and I challenge you to find support for your allegation. What I said was quite simple: Never said "Democrats are wonderful"... only that Clinton did a lot of good for a lot of people.
"Republicans are evil"? Nope, not from these lips ... only that Bush is an idiot, totally unqualified for the position he holds over the Free World (and without rebuttal of any kind from you or anyone else -- just a lot of Clinton-bashing). Furthermore, having a President who is also stupid is going to cost all of us a ton of pain and suffering.
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than
sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."
-- Martin L. King, Jr.