I have heard it said in person as well as have seen it posted here under different topics. The R & F that zealously practice shunning do it to please sheeple. Period. Even when the Df’ed admit that they don’t believe a single point or doctrine that is taught and that they are only returning for the association, they are welcomed back happily. So their return/acceptance is not based on belief, or heart condition, but rather appearance. Thus, the shunning is based solely on the perception and appearance before the congregation. The hypocrisy in this is status quo, as with all things in this ‘religion’.
THE REAL REASON FAMILY MEMBERS SHUN.........................
by vitty 35 Replies latest jw friends
if we all have one thing in common here it is wishing we could do it over. i know it doesn't seem like it but i grieve for every man, woman and child who has been taken advantage of by this religion. even the ones that really upset me have in their own way been hurt just as much as i have. sometimes i have to remind myself of that.
mary that is what i thought you meant.
They shun because they're told to.
I think it's different for each family and even individual.
My sister is very angry with me in general. I remember when I finally told my ex he was scripturally free, I had just sent my sis a pic of my grandsons and me. She then wrote me to confront me and told me she vomited when she looked at the picture. I told her God vomited when he found she was such a nosy busy body who drove over a hundred miles to see my ex sister in law to ask prying questions about me.
I think my sister's worst fear is that I am right. If I am right, all her problems aren't about to be instantly solved with the big A. If I am right, she can't blame all of her problems on those horrid, worldly people. She shuns me because she is terrified that I am right.
That and she is very competitive. She feels now like she is outshining me. I never have cared about competition with her or anyone. "Look everyone. I'm finally better than Heather." Sad. Very sad.
Dan the man said...."they shun because they are told to".
Very true. They apply this rule yet will break many other rules however as we all know. Why are they so strict about this one rule? Because they will be seen by others and judged by them if they break this rule. Witnesses can break other rules and let even their conscience not bother them if they think they won't be found out by, nor judged by others because they fear the Organisation more than they do Jehovah as I already stated.
Jim Wood,
I have heard it said in person as well as have seen it posted here under different topics. The R & F that zealously practice shunning do it to please sheeple. Period. Even when the Df’ed admit that they don’t believe a single point or doctrine that is taught and that they are only returning for the association, they are welcomed back happily. So their return/acceptance is not based on belief, or heart condition, but rather appearance. Thus, the shunning is based solely on the perception and appearance before the congregation. The hypocrisy in this is status quo, as with all things in this ‘religion’.
I'm not going to argue that this is not true.....however, their ARE other factors......such as in my case. As I stated in my former post........some families miss their loved ones enough that they will bend the rules, live with a lie, try to convience themselves something just might change in the desenter.......to allow themselves to accept one back even though they know the desenter has no real intrest in the organisation. Some witness families will ease their own conscience by telling themselves.............." their are many things none of us fully understand in the Organisation because we don't see the big picture like the Slave Class does, so we just deal with it, keep it to ourselves, and continue on even though we ourselves have some doubts." These ones can feel justified in their own minds that one can return to the organisation with these same feelings and that to doubt isn't neccesarily a bad thing, but the problem is, many who return just for their families and for NO OTHER REASON....have more than just doubts, but they rather DESPISE the organisation and ALL it stands for and what it does to peoples lives. Those that return on these premises will be lucky if they can "pull it off". Gumby -
We are going through this right now and I want to batter my brother a dad cuz of it I hate them both and wish much evil comes to them I hate the WTBTS