Yes, the KM lists the changes, but I went to Service meeting last night, played dumb, and asked the lit servant what book would be studied when the Bible/Teach book is finished... I now have a new, crappy, Perfect-Bound softcover copy of the "2006 printing" of the Revelation Book--not "revision", not "revised edition", but "PRINTING". The gall of these arrogant sacks at Bethel, I tell ya....My housemate and I spent about two hours going through the old and the new side-by-side and, thus far, have found several flubs that contradict the changes made in the new book whilst leaving others on the same topics undone elsewhere. And just an fyi--a lady came up to the lit counter while I was talking with the "brothers" and saw the new book. She asked if she could have one so that she wouldn't have to transcribe the changes into her old one; the Lit servant told her she could only have a new copy if she turned her old copy in. Sly fox--now that's the way to hide history!!! At any rate, I hardly ever post here so my old username won't work, but this is important enough I thought I should re-register and share with the class--hold on to your old books; that there is invaluable history! And bite the bullet and walk into the lion's den just long enough to get a copy of this. I ordered several more, since he was putting in his lit order, for scholarship's sake (but he doesn't need to know that).... In His Grace, PointlessShrew PS NATE NATAS!!! I can't access your email addy!!! Mailer daemon doesn't like it anymore. I need to speak with you, asap....
There *IS* a New Revelation Book!!!
by OpposerSupreme 53 Replies latest watchtower bible
She asked if she could have one so that she wouldn't have to transcribe the changes into her old one; the Lit servant told her she could only have a new copy if she turned her old copy in. Sly fox--now that's the way to hide history!!
You've got to love it. As if millions of the first edition books and millions of copies of the WT CD can be recalled. The Watchtower has learned a bitter sweet lesson in leaving such a massive paper trail.
What do they say they're going to do with all those old copies?
Funny you should ask. The Lit servant said that they're going to be "recycled". I had to bite my cheek so hard it bled. But I got my damned, accursed book with more on the way next month--that's all that matters... In His Grace, PointlessShrew
What do they say they're going to do with all those old copies?
Well, you know Brooklyn is in a cost cutting mode. Perhaps restroom paper products comes to mind.
Fascinating Juicy piece of info.
Love that about being REQUIRED to "recycle" your old book before they will "allow" you to have a New one! Amazing.
The Revelation book emits fond memories.. After 11 years of having been a JW circa 1988-89, that was the FIRST book (and after a 21-day fast) where their incessant and repeated use of "ORGANIZATION" finally began to SCREAM in my spirit. That was also the first book where my guts were knotted through every study: "It FEELS like they are FORCIBLY trying to MAKE these scriptures apply to themselves" (like trying to force a square peg in a round hole).
Even so, at that time I didn't have a clue I would be OUT of there within a year or so...
Revelation is so EASY to understand these days, WITHOUT the WT's wrangled/tangled interpretations.
Thanks for the news!
/AG -
That really is sly of the wts, to try and recall the old editions, so people can't make comparisons and see all their doctrinal flip - flops, I suppose. Well, I was going to throw all my old stuff out soon, but I might just keep the rev book, in case some questionin dub wants one sometime.
And just an fyi--a lady came up to the lit counter while I was talking with the "brothers" and saw the new book. She asked if she could have one so that she wouldn't have to transcribe the changes into her old one; the Lit servant told her she could only have a new copy if she turned her old copy in. Sly fox--now that's the way to hide history!!!
Funny how the WTS has always talked about the governments persecuting the Witnesses and confiscating their literature. Now, the JWs are confiscating literature from themselves. The irony. It's like a mugger pointing his gun into his own stomach and telling himself: "Hand it over!"
If they're taking in the old ones claiming that they're being environmentally friendly, why don't they call in all the old Watchtowers, Awakes and the other crap?
Definitely something fishy going on in WT land.
If they're taking in the old ones claiming that they're being environmentally friendly, why don't they call in all the old Watchtowers, Awakes and the other crap?
Why don't they also recall all of the old Circuit and District Overseers, and recycle them into glue?