***As an American, do you think you could go to Afghanistan and receive the same treatment? Do you think you could (as an American or any other non-jihad-muslim-fanatic world citizen) hold any government office? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!***
Yeah. America is one of the very few, that has not tolerated the absolut rule/dictatorship of DipFucks who bleed thier own countries/peoples dry.
So I guess if you believe all the hatemonger's vs. USA, we should have not made any effort to help anyone in the world? Maybe guys like Joe Kennedy were right, we should of stayed out of Hitler's efforts at subjugating Europe. Maybe we should of stayed out of all the conflicts we have stuck our noses in. Maybe we should just sit here in splendid glory, and not participate in helping anyone.
We can't win for losing, no matter what we do, no matter the just cause or reason, we are the big, bad, ugly, demon America. Nothing ever changes.
Well this time I hope we dispell any notions that we are DipFucks, and let all the Bin Ladin's of world know we will not tolerate being 'fucked over' anymore.