Well, according to our pontiff in residence Alan F anyway.
What is this some kind of promotion? After all, I used to used to be an unreformed apologist troll.
by slimboyfat 75 Replies latest jw friends
Well, according to our pontiff in residence Alan F anyway.
What is this some kind of promotion? After all, I used to used to be an unreformed apologist troll.
I don't know if that's a "promotion" slim, but from your posts you seem to indicate that you don't paricularly believe in jw teachings, but you don't attack them, like a lot of us do, which is your prerogative, and I wouldn't attack you for it.
Do you still attend meetings?
I attend about 50% of the meetings at the moment.
I was inactive for about 8 months, recently started on the ministry again. Maybe I will make a ministerial servant.
Am fairly agnostic now.
I don't think Witnesses are an evil cult as they are made out to be.
I plan to make it onto the governing body in about seven years.
recently started on the ministry again.
I don't envy you, there's nothing I miss less about being a jw than the ministry
Maybe I will make a ministerial servant.
Do you really want that? My bf was an ms, and was up for elder when he left. I don't know about your cong, but ours certainly worked the ms 's very hard. It can be a very thankless job.
I don't know about MS, but if they offered me a spot on the GB I wouldn't say no.
"I was inactive for about 8 months, recently started on the ministry again. Maybe I will make a ministerial servant. Am fairly agnostic now."
Congratulations. You have mastered the art of lying to yourself, and have no moral compunction about lying to the public whilst spreading watchtower feces amongst your neighbours.
I have far greater respect for devoted JWs that at the very least believe this shite, then for an individual such as yourself who chooses to be a wet noodle, lacking the courage to own up to your real beliefs and doubts. An artificial life hiding in a shell of self-delusion is the lowest form of existence, IMHO.
You have mastered the art of lying to yourself, and have no moral compunction about lying to the public whilst spreading watchtower feces amongst your neighbours.
Excuse me, how do you know what I say on the ministry? Have you been following me or somethin'?
For your information I never say anything I don't believe.