by Amazing 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Some of you have read posts here, and on other forums, in magazines and newspapers, and maybe watched TV commnetary that alleges President George W. Bush is less than brilliant, perhaps under-qualified for office, etc.

    Evidence seems starkly missing from these allegations. During Campaign 2000, the media started painting GW as being mentally 'one can short of a six-pack.' But, has anyone, and I mean anyone provided even an ounce of evidence to support this? No, instead those who belittle GW Bush are little more than media "parrots" who gobble up bullshit, while thinking that they are really eating steak.

    I did hear, but have not confirmed, that GW Bush university scores, GPA, etc. far exceeded that of Al Gore's. If not true, then that lead dies. If true, then can you imagine what life would be like with Al Gore as President? Yes, Al Gore who claimed to Invent the Internet. The same Al Gore who blamed El Nino~ on human pollution, but failed to tell us that El Nino` was discovered over 300 years ago, long before human pollution could have been a cause?

    Dick Cheney: Some think that Cheney is running the show, back at Camp David, while Bush does the PR work. (They are actually being kept apart for security reasons.) But, let's assume that Cheney is the brains of the outfit, and Bush has delegated a lot to him. So what? The sign of a good leader is not that he/she be a super-genius micro-manager running every detail, but rather, a man/woman who leads; that is, who surrounds himself with top people, and coordinates the best team. It seems that with Powell, Cheney, and others, that Bush knows how to pick good people, and maybe his critics have made the error of underestimating GW Bush.

    Yes, in the same fashion as Jay Leno put it, how can you go wrong with such names as Dick, Gore, Colin and Bush? - Amazing

  • AGuest

    Hello, Amazing... peace to you!

    May I ask a question, please? Thank you.

    Why does everyone, from the media to Congress to the President... to you... refer to Gen. Powell as 'Colon'? You know, 'colon' as in the large intestine? Chit'lins? I ask this because the man's name is "Colin"... and it is properly pronounced "Caw-lyn"... and not "Koe-lyn".

    Ya think perhaps he simply got tired of correcting folks, and took the position that the faux paus didn't really mean anything? I mean, he is, after all, a very good 'diplomat'.

    I just wondered about that. Kinda like I do when folks get the pronunciation of my kids' names wrong, too. And neither of them are that difficult (I don't think I'll post them here, though. Not yet, anyway. But my daughter's only contains 6 letters and my son's 5, and folks have SUCH a hard time. And no, I've got no 'Rakeesha's' or 'Rahkim's or Alize's (who would name their child after a wine cooler?) or Shanquisha's. NOT that there is ANYTHING wrong with those. But mine are named nothing like that, and folks still fail to pronounce them correctly.)

    May I ask... what's up with that? I mean, wouldn't just 'common' courtesy dictate that we pronounce someone's name correctly, and if we don't know the proper pronunciation... ask?

    SJ, on my own and wondering...

  • LDH

    LOL @ Shelby.

    Alize. Yes, I have heard some baby mammas yelling out "Alize! Git over here now!"

    And I was like, ummmmm, isn't that a wine cooler?

    Ha Ha too funny.

  • blondie

    BTW, isn't that Colin?

  • bigboi

    Alize' aint a wine-cooler. I thought it was like a flavored cognac or something. Ya know what, I don't know what that shit is. All I know is I ain't payin that high ass price they ask for in the club.



    "life's a bitch a with a g-string and a twelve pack of Busch."

  • Amazing

    AGuest: I don't know. I have, for most of my life seen 'Koe-lyn written as Colin, Kaw-lyn' as Collin. It was not until near the end of the Presidental election that corrections came out as how to pronounce Colin.

    Please Keep this in Mind: I join many millions of Americans who hold Secretary Powell in very high regard. In fact, in the primaries, I would have voted for Powell over GW Bush, but he did not run. So, I voted for Allen Keyes, former Ambassador, and also African Ameican as Colin.

    My post about was meant, in a humorous fashion, to show how thoise who criticize GW Bush as being sucked in by the liberal-biased media. The evidence that the media leans liberal is that in the presidential poll for 1996, 85% or so voted Democratic-Liberal candidates.

    So, when Bush gets criticized in the media as being less than brilliant, I get frustrated because no one have ever produced any evidence for that claim. Such critiques need to just be honest and say they disagree with Bush's politics. I lean conservative, and other than facts in evidence, I have not made such 'ad hominem' attacks on Al Gore. And I am such, that while I disagree with Gore's politics, he would have also made a good President as Bush.

    I will edit my post to correct the spelling of Colin's name. That was an honest typo. Thanks. - Amazing

  • Seeker

    You have GOT to be joking! Bush really is dumb. Every time he opens his mouth he sounds dumb, no further evidence needed. Let alone the idiocy of announcing last week that he is determined "to rid the world of evil-doers."

    Every time I see Rudy Guiliani (who certainly has his flaws), I am reminded of how a real leader acts, and of the natural shortcomings inherent in Bush in that department. Like it or not (I don't), Bush is my president, and I support him. But let's not pretend that he suddenly got smart for the first time in his life. His family always viewed him as the less-successful one, and he has demonstrated that non-ability all his life by stumbling through one failed venture after another. This is the guy who bragged to the graduating Yale students about his C-average while in school. This is the guy who did not distinguish himself in school, the business world, or the sports world.

    It's no crime being dumb -- it's genetic, and can't be helped. Bush is dumb.

    And no, I'm not saying this from a partisan persepective. I'm no Gore supporter who, although you were wrong to say he said he invented the Internet (he didn't -- that's an urban legend that grew out of a misunderstanding of something he did say), would probably do a very efficient and micromanaged to the point of death job as president while boring us all to tears and selling us out to corporate interests. The only person I thought worse to be president than Gore was Bush, truly a Tweedledee and Tweedledum choice facing the nation. A testament to the power of special interests to get elected who they want to get elected, and how politics tends to self-select out anyone actually qualified to run.

    So I'm no Democrat, nor am I a Republican. What I am is an intelligent man who knows a dumb man when I see him. Every time Bush opens his mouth (sadly, including all last week), I see a dumb man. Can't be helped. Hope he gets through his term without doing too much damage.

  • hillary_step

    Hello Amazing,

    You note :

    Evidence seems starkly missing from these allegations. During Campaign 2000, the media started painting GW as being mentally 'one can short of a six-pack.' But, has anyone, and I mean anyone provided even an ounce of evidence to support this?

    This is the problem....neither has he provided evidence to confound this view.

    Best regards - HS

    Only teasing Amazing, I am European and my judgments are likely to be a little partial. Anybody who can pronounce to a crowd of strangers that he is 'a very loving guy...', shows at least that he has a sense of humor.

  • Seeker

    P.S. There no longer is a liberal bias to the media. Regardless of how reporters vote, huge multinational corporations have a chokehold on all major media outlets. It is not good to the bottom line of these corporations for their media outlets (now all profit centers) to lean in any controversial way. That automatically makes the media outlets produce more conservative copy -- it's a process that is automatic. Anything that might hurt the bottom line gets killed (such as if ABC news wishes to report problems at Disney -- they won't do that, says the head of ABC news, because it would hurt their parent).

    The media used to be liberal. Many of the people who report for the media still is liberal. Now that conservative corporations bought up the media, the output is no longer liberal. This is an old myth still being promulgated by the far right for whom anything short of ultraconservatism is 'liberal.'

  • Calico_Cat

    Cheney should be president. Every time Bush opens his mouth, I have a strong desire to either shut off the television or change the channel. Thank God for remote control.

    Hi Lisa! We're all fine and dandy here. I'm still living a double-life....too cowardly to leave 'everything' behind.

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