I could give a long list of churches and philosophies that occurred to me. Leave out scientology and everything else was at least looked at(in one branch/sect or another)I joined the LDS church(I still like them, don't care what anyone says-they have more evidence of fruits than many churches and were nice folks)learned more about or attended services for: Judaism, Amish/Mennonite, Moonies, regular Christians, fundy christians, holy rollers, mainstream, catholic, etc. Probably would have considered Orthodox, but I don't speak Greek. I know I left some out. I loved my SB congregation until they grew a great big building and then cancelled the food bank program. How messed up is that? Well, the whole place went to heck after that. (I am now about to start working at a diff. local foodbank at the church down the street from me).
After a long consideration about why I was disinclined to find a new 'church home', I realized that my doubts were much more fundamental than any individual church (I always favored the Christian groups), but more in my view of God. I started not liking him. Which of course guilted me out cause I totally believe in him.
In reconsidering the OT and NT, things were not gelling for me. Not just the stuff that is answered in the FAQs of a bible site, but more the overall outlook of this almighty God. The way he treated people, head games, wars, punishments, commandments(not the biggies, but go therefore and kill all those folks in Jericho), some of the actual contradictions(which are not as smoothly covered as some scholars would like to portray). Maybe those Jesus seminar people were on to something-I don't know. I believe there is a God and I believe that there are truly worthwhile things in the Bible. I don't believe it is all inspired.
I wrote a post a while back (My epiphany), in a nutshell, if God is better than me, he didn't write that singlehandedly. And I am NOT going to buy into the theory that "If God is all powerful, how would he let his word be distorted?". No good God is advocating rape and baby slaughter-even if they are the most evil little babies ever(!)
So I guess,like the rest of creation, I am making up a God to suit me. I think though that there are a few truths that come through in all religion and maybe those are the ones that need the attention. Care for those that are weaker than you. Love each other, be kind to each other. Don't pick on someone just because they don't think like you do or act like you do. In my religion-God could not ever be used to justify war. (which is not to say I am a pacifist-but if I am fighting for something, I am not justifying it by invoking God) There is more, but its after midnite.