evolution or creation? lets talk...

by Sam87 537 Replies latest jw friends

  • AuldSoul


    That's the problem with believers. They get so wrapped up in the subjectivity of belief, in their personal experience, in the elevation of personal opinon to an object of worship, they fail to consider that other people with beliefs (unprovable just like their) have contradictory experiences, beliefs and opinions.

    I have a few questions for you regarding this snippet of your post.

    (1) Is it possible to have an actual personal experience and conceive a framework through which to interpret that experience while being unable to prove the experience and/or framework through verbal medium?

    (2) Is it possible to have an actual personal experience that is not verifiable by testing and which may not be shared by all people?

    If both or either of these is true, then...

    (3) Is it possible to have personal facts, that cannot be proven to anyone else?

    The reason I ask is because I know the answers to #1 and #2 are "yes", and therefore the answer to #3 is "yes", but I also acknowledge that you may not know that. If you don't know #1 and #2 are possible, there is no way for me to prove the possibility to you except through thought exercises. Which I can do.


  • Beardo

    (1) Is it possible to have an actual personal experience and conceive a framework through which to interpret that experience while being unable to prove the experience and/or framework through verbal medium?

    (2) Is it possible to have an actual personal experience that is not verifiable by testing and which may not be shared by all people?

    If both or either of these is true, then...

    (3) Is it possible to have personal facts, that cannot be proven to anyone else?

    1. Yes

    2. Yes

    3. Yes - I would say so

    But of course, if those facts remain "personal" others may choose not to believe them due to their own cynical nature or lack of trust in the source of the information.

    Good post

    Sorry - I should also add - that certain "experiences" do not fall in line with our current accepted base of knowledge and therefore may be dismissed as inconsequential until proven using 'scientific methodology' approved by lettered peer groups. This is no doubt the line certain posters will take

  • dido

    I couldn`t resist one more post. Thanks to all you puffed up evolutionists for all your puffed up posts, they were that boring they really sent me off to sleep, i had a great night, thanks!

  • stevenyc


    : A way of expressing the ultimate interconnected nature of things, even if only as an abstract concept

    If there is going to been a second Renascence, then this is how I would see the development.


    PS, Thanks for mentioning, the master of the occult, Erich von Däniken. I have always enjoyed reading his books. An absolute hoot! One of my favorites was when he was battling with archaeologists about the construction of the pyramids. He claimed that extraterrestrials had to be involved because the egyptians didn't have rope! The reply from an archaeologist was: 'Yes they did. Here it is', a proceeded to show it.

    Hey, someone just mentioned the coral castle. Just goes to show that God or Aliens don't have to be involved, just because we don't know how people do things.


  • stevenyc


    HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Are you trying to force people to believe as YOU DO? I give my opinion but I will NOT force anyone to believe as I do, if they DO NOT want to. Your theroy has HOLES in it. It IS a fact. BUT that is what you want to believe...so go ahead..I am not stopping you.

    This isn't about opinions. This is about willful ignorance. If either you or I were to claim something, and another poster explained to us, without prejudice, our misconception, including external reputable sources, we would have to sit back and reconsider our point of view. Especially if that point of view was a basic principle which had no direct inference to our overall argument.

    This is what constructive argument and discution is.

    The frustration being expressed is not that another poster won't accept an opinion, it's that another poster is saying 'I'm right, your wrong', and proceeds to stick their fingers in their ears shouting 'na na na na na na na na' very loud.


  • Satanus
    master of the occult, Erich von Däniken

    More master con than occultist. He is an insult to occultists.


  • TopHat

    The frustration being expressed is not that another poster won't accept an opinion, it's that another poster is saying 'I'm right, your wrong', and proceeds to stick their fingers in their ears shouting 'na na na na na na na na' very loud.


    Evolution is a theroy....It has NOT been proven....I have read many many evolution theis and no one has come up with proof yet. I can say the same about a God of creation..no proof...I chose to believe creation though, because it makes more sense to me.

  • funkyderek


    More master con than occultist. He is an insult to occultists.

    Well, it's hardly the most noble profession to begin with.

  • stevenyc

    TopHat: I have read many many evolution theis and no one has come up with proof yet

    Which particular part of evolution are you referring to? Micro-evolution, Macro-evolution, mutation and natural selection that result in variation?

    I would be interested in your comments on this.

    Also, can you explain what proof would be necessary for you to consider evolution to have merit.


  • Satanus


    Well, it's hardly the most noble profession to begin with.

    Well, they are all nonunion workers.


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