evolution or creation? lets talk...

by Sam87 537 Replies latest jw friends

  • TopHat

    And when did I mention Dawkins? Now you're deflecting the argument away from the issue! I'm not here to argue Dawkins, I'm arguing evolution!

    I thought you were Steve....anyway we have to continue this later.. I have more important matters to attend to and my attention is needed elsewhere.

  • AlanF

    Alright, whyizit and TopHat, let me demonstrate your wilfull ignorance: list the titles and authors of the books you've read on evolution and creation.

    I'm pretty sure you'll refuse to do this, though, because I strongly doubt that you've ever read anything other than pro-creation literature -- and not even 'technical' creation literature at that. You won't want to embarass yourselves by showing how little you've actually explored these subjects.

    On the other hand, I've read tons of material in favor of both evolution and creation, and concerning the controversies about these subjects. I have several hundred books on these subjects and am quite familiar with their contents. I've read all of Phillip Johnson's books, several of William Dembski's, Michael Behe's, many of Henry Morris's (do you even know who these people are?), and a great many others who are looked on as lights in the creation movement. I can detail the arguments they make in favor of creation, and I can refute them all. Can you do the converse with respect to arguments in favor of evolution? I think not. Prove me wrong if you dare.

    I suspect that your replies, if any, will be repetitions of the meaningless whining you've engaged in to this point.


  • TopHat

    I'm pretty sure you'll refuse to do this, though, because I strongly doubt that you've ever read anything other than pro-creation literature -- and not even 'technical' creation literature at that. You won't want to embarass yourselves by showing how little you've actually explored these subjects.

    Shows you how little you know......I HAVE posted a few of what I have read although not all.

  • stevenyc

    Tophat, when did I mention Dawkins? steve

  • sir82

    OH NO!

    It's AlanF! Yet another intellectual bully!

    Alas and alack! Help! Panic! Run around in circles! Hide the wimmen & chilluns!

  • Dansk

    Where does Dawkins contradict himself?


  • AlanF

    TopHat said:

    : Shows you how little you know......I HAVE posted a few of what I have read although not all.

    I don't believe you. Post links to prove your claim. If you don't, you'll demonstrate your laziness.


  • zagor

    By Golly, is this thread still running?!? LOL

    I woke up a bit earlier this fine morning and there it is, still active.

  • stevenyc

    One thing that appears to be consistent in this thread is that the vocal creationist are quite testy. I have not made any case against creation, or for marco-evolution. I have only posted questions to understand points of view before either challenging or agreeing with them. I spend a few threads trying to bring one poster to a level of understanding so that we could discuss them. All in all I'd say I've been quite civil. The response from creationist has been assumption. That I am an evolutionist with an agenda, not willing to listen, and only out to stupify the creationist. Hmmmm... steve

  • freetosee

    OH NO!

    It's AlanF! Yet another intellectual bully!

    Alas and alack! Help! Panic! Run around in circles! Hide the wimmen & chilluns!


    Watch it or you'll be put on The List!

    Sorry, bttt!

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