evolution or creation? lets talk...

by Sam87 537 Replies latest jw friends

  • proplog2


    Just yesterday I saw God forming a human out the dust of the ground. Too bad no one else was around to see it.

  • AlanF

    proplog2 said:

    : Just yesterday I saw God forming a human out the dust of the ground. Too bad no one else was around to see it.


    Just yesterday a tree fell in the forest near where I live, but there was no sound because no one was around to hear it.


  • purplesofa

    Wonder what would happen if this issue was solved....once and for all for good......

    Do you think we will ever really all have the same belief on how we managed to get here?


  • TopHat

    OH MY! The evolutionist are getting their FEATHERS....are should I say their SCALES ruffled.


  • Dansk
    Tiny fossils reveal inner secrets
    By Jonathan Fildes
    Science and technology reporter, BBC News

    altalt alt
    altIn pictures
    The exact moment when a 550 million year old cell began to divide has been captured in an exquisite 3-D image.

    The picture is one of a series taken by researchers examining ancient fossil embryos from Guizhou Province, China.

    The specimens, described in the journal Science, are the oldest known examples of fossil embryos, and shed light on the early evolution of complex life.

    Scientists used an advanced X-ray technique to peer inside the balls of cells to reveal the structures inside.

    "We have been able to tease apart every structure, geological or biological," said Professor Phil Donoghue of the University of Bristol in the UK and one of the team who worked on the 162 pristine specimens.

    Digital probe

    The tiny fossils are part of the Doushantuo Formation in South China, a limestone bed deposited between 635 and 551 million years ago that contains layers composed almost entirely of fossil embryos.

    The team behind the research believe the fossils are the developing offspring of extremely primitive sponge-like creatures.

    altaltIt is amazing that such delicate biological structures can be preserved in such an ancient depositalt Shuhai Xiao
    Virginia Tech altAncient life in China rock

    To resolve the delicate internal structures, the scientists used a technique known as microfocus x-ray computed tomography (microCT). The method allowed the team to construct 3-D images of the tiny fossils.

    Computer software was then used to analyse individual cells.

    "We digitally extracted each cell from the embryos and then looked inside the cells," said Shuhai Xiao of Virginia Tech University in the US.

    Inside, the team found kidney-shaped structures which they believe could be nuclei or other subcellular components.

    "It is amazing that such delicate biological structures can be preserved in such an ancient deposit," said Professor Xiao.

    In some four-celled embryos, each cell had two of the kidney-shaped structures, suggesting they were caught in the process of splitting prior to cell division.

    Explosion of life

    Although the bed is packed full of the tiny fossils, the team has been unable to find any adult specimens.

    Previous research has suggested that the embryos were the product of complex animals, the ancestors of modern organisms.

    Ammonite fossils Complex life continued to evolve after the Cambrian Explosion

    If true, this would suggest that complex multi-cellular life got started much earlier than previously thought, prior to the "Cambrian Explosion" 542 million years ago.

    At this time, fossils record a dramatic change in animal diversity with many of today's modern groups suddenly making an appearance.

    Some researchers believe that the Cambrian Explosion marked the emergence of modern animal life. Although complex animals had started evolving before 542 million years ago their development accelerated at this point.

    Others maintain that complex animals lived long before this event and that the period just marks a time of exceptional fossil preservation.

    The Doushantuo formation is important because it gives a window into the time leading up to the Cambrian and the new analysis goes some way towards resolving the dispute.

    Unique insights

    Using the microCT technique to analyse late stage embryos, with up to 1,000 cells, the team was able to gain insights into the creature that produced them.

    altaltThis work provides a constraint on when advanced groups evolved,alt Phil Donoghue
    University of Bristol altEmbryos delight scientists

    Although the cells show some modern traits they crucially lack others.

    "Even in these late-stage embryos there is no evidence of the formation of a tissue layer," said Dr Donoghue.

    "You would expect to see that in modern embryos, even those of sponges."

    The team believes the cells probably came from extremely simple creatures.

    "They would have developed into sponge-like creatures, but more primitive," said Dr. Donoghue.

    If right, this means that the Cambrian Explosion theory for the origin of complex animal life would still stand

    "This work provides a constraint on when advanced groups evolved," Dr Donoghue said.

  • Dansk

    Sorry about the formatting. Here's the link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/6048186.stm


  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog
    I wrote half this last might then got bored and got stoned. Some has been superceeded by the flurry of pages since, but hey...


    You must have bee stoned when you read my posts. The point is you need to come up with a natural way to start life. Keep working on it.

  • LittleToe

    Actually I had the Christian framework in mind when I made that suggestion, but you appropriately made the same point for the Buddhist idealogy

    I think the key is probably that I love these people to bits, and try not to take myself too seriously. There are some great minds here. Some are ignorant of a few facts that they merely need to learn (they certainly have the capacity) and some are ignorant of a few social graces (I'm not so sure they have the capacity) but all in all they're a great bunch

  • Seeker4

    I had avoided this thread, as they tend to become a rehash of stuff I've gone over dozens of times before with the same results, but I was brought back here from Dido's thread on intellectual bullies. That's been shut down, so no more comments on there!

    Sooo, I read through that thread and much of this one, and I've got to say that the Creationists have failed once again. Dido and several like her were just so far in over their heads, it was sad to watch - and then to go create a thread to whine about how you made a fool of yourself and several people pointed it out, well that was just too pathetic.

    This reminds me of the discussions I had with the local elders as I was leaving. They were of the same intellectual bent that any idea they came up with was of equal worth to any other idea - even if their idea had no basis in fact while the other ideas could be supported scientifically. All ideas are not of equal worth.

    I think a lot of this is the result of a lack of education, as several on here have pointed out. For Dido to think she held her own in this discussion is just beyond belief. It was like watching a child have a tantrum about not believing in the law of gravity because it really is too hard for them to understand.

    AlanF, Like you, I'm waiting that reading list from Tophat!

    Well done, you bullies!!


  • AlanF

    Well, TopHat, you certainly fulfilled my expectations. I think posters see that you're quite full of yourself, in same way that JW defenders who 'know' they have the truth are when defending Mommy against us nasty "apostates".

    Now lets see if whyizit follows you.


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