evolution or creation? lets talk...

by Sam87 537 Replies latest jw friends

  • dido

    satanus- i`d rather close the door thanks!

    BigTex- why should i accept evo data? Same thing.

    I`ve noticed this thread isn`t about evolution at all, it`s about people bashing who don`t agree with evolution. All you have done is `quote` and not given any real evidence. As far as i`m concerned, the Genesis account is more believable, and until i get solid evidence, i will not change my mind. So far no-one has actually shown me one solid thing that has evolved. It would have been good to have had more creationists join in the discussion, but they obviously know they are banging their heads against a brick wall with you evo`s. What does surprise me tho` is how many ex jw`s there are that do not believe in the bible and creator, they seem to have gone completely the other way.

  • Satanus

    DD and freetosee

    I'm god, so, i'm not exactly atheist

    S waiting for dido to burst a vessel

  • TopHat

    DD and freetosee

    I'm god, so, i'm not exactly atheist

    S waiting for dido to burst a vessel

    Satanus: Your comments are exactly why this thread should be put out of it's misery. It has now become a Bashing Thread by dummies like you and seeker.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    BigTex- why should i accept evo data? Same thing.

    I'm not asking you to. Nor am I asking you to believe in evolution. You stated you believed in the creation account in Genesis. I simply stated that I was curious as to whether you could respond to Alan's query and back up your belief. You can't and that's okay.

    Of course, to be fair, you've done your share of "bashing" as well.

    evolution or creation? lets talk...

    Okay I'll throw an opinion in, and prove I'm a fool.

    I don't think the existence of God can be proven or disproven. I think we all choose to believe one way or the other, but in the final analysis it's not fact but belief.

    I choose to believe there is a Power greater than ourselves. Now whether that means we as humans evolved from lower forms of life or that we were created from a literal pile of dust, I don't know. Lately I'm leaning more toward the idea that this Power created certain parameters for life and then let it grow and evolve (but then I'm American). Who's to say, and I really doubt that this answer will ever be absolutely definitively answered.

    Having said that there is no arguing that life does evolve and grow. I don't pretend to have the intellect of others on this thread but I cannot argue (nor would I) with facts presented here. It is clear, intelligent and well presented (now I sound like the KM school!).

  • hillary_step


    Satanus: Your comments are exactly why this thread should be put out of it's misery. It has now become a Bashing Thread by dummies like you and seeker.

    In the absence of you or Dido being able to produce any sustainable argument to defend your position, why do you expect to be taken seriously? Chanting 'We are right - you are wrong', is not the way to debate this issue with any dignity, so please do not expect anybody to take you seriously until you offer some valid argument which shows that you might actually know what you are talikng about.

    You have both insulted others with gay abandon in most of your posts, so please do not play the martyr card, we were not born yesterday.


  • Satanus


    It has now become a Bashing Thread by dummies like you and seeker.

    So, you call me a dummy, but you aren't bashing? On the other hand, where did i bash anybody?


  • stevenyc

    Lets talk about the creation account in Genesis.

    If God created the sun on the forth day, what was the Earth revolving around on days one through three?


  • Little Drummer Boy
    Little Drummer Boy
    Lets talk about the creation account in Genesis.

    If God created the sun on the forth day, what was the Earth revolving around on days one through three?


    Thanks. I almost shot coffee out my nose while reading that. Teaches me not to look at threads with a mouthful of coffee!

  • freetosee

    If there were ever a thread that epitomized the ignorance of the typical creationist, these two are simply perfect. It's so sad for them! I think I'll recommend it for those folks on the evolution fence.

    I continued to be so reminded of the Witness approach to genuine science - the utter lack of credibility in their arguments. I find myself just wanting to skip this thread, their posts are so angry and pathetic, but I keep getting drawn back - it's grossly fascinating, like watching a car wreck or insects swarm. Disgusting, but you can't take your eyes away.

    I love the section where under_believer got Dido to admit belief in the basic tenents of evolution, though from her response, I'm not sure she really understood the questions.

    Dido and Top Hat, you have no idea how you two have embarrassed yourselves on this post! I do hope you were maybe a little drunk through it all, and will wake up sober and realize what you've done. Watching someone argue about something that they admittedly know nothing about, at least in Dido's case, is really sad. In Tophat's case, he professes a knowledge of evolution, but fails to display it in any of his posts. Just as sad to watch.

    Very true!


    I'm god, so, i'm not exactly atheist

    What! I think I had...

    Satanus, I thought we are the ones getting angry and upset. LOL

    TopHat, where is your sense of humour? You are proving the bullies right. You have been giving so much opportunity to discuss, but have refused to debate. Anyone can read for themself that you and Dido are doing the bashing. Remember the door is open!

    Rev. fts

  • Satanus


    That's funny, man.


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