TopHat said:
: . . . I am well educated on evolution . . .
Really. Your question:
: So now that we have evolved into humans...what is the next stage for evolution
proves that you're entirely ignorant of evolution. I won't bother to explain. Pearls before swine and all that.
You also said:
: AlanF is ignorant of what I know and don't know
Not at all, because what I know of what you know and don't know is based entirely on your posts. Your refusal to list even a couple of books on evolution that you've read, and your refusal to provide any facts at all in support of creation, prove that you yourself know that you're abysmally ignorant of the subject.
You can't even argue coherently. In one post you say about Richard Dawkins:
: Even your IDOL, Dawkins amits evolution can't be proved. But then again he will speak as though it was a fact. Very contradictory the man is on his belief. He even keeps open the possiblity of there being a God yet thinks God does not exist. HUH???
Yet in another post you say about me:
: So because he has no proof he wants to challenge creationist to prove there is a God. Knowing very well they can't. How dumb can he be!
So, while admitting that creation cannot be proved, you take Dawkins to task for 'admitting' that evolution can't be proved and then claiming it's a fact. Yet you obviously believe that creation is a fact. How dumb can you be?
It's painfully obvious that you know nothing about what facts in science are. In science, a fact is a notion that has been so well established over time that, as Stephen Jay Gould wrote, it would be perverse not to accept it. Not accepting that planets go round the sun by means of gravity, or that the earth is a globe, are example of such perverseness.
Had you actually understood anything that Dawkins wrote, you could not have made the above comment. Dawkins always carefully explains what scientific proof is. His statement that evolution cannot be proved means that it cannot be proved in the absolute sense that mathematicians construct proofs of ideal math theorems. However, Dawkins also explains that there are mountains of evidence in favor of evolution, whereas there aren't even molehills of evidence in favor of creation. So you've misrepresented Dawkins in your ignorance. And again, your inability to cite any evidence whatsoever in favor of creation proves my contention.
I can easily cite bits of that mountain in favor of evolution. Here are a few:
There exist in nature certain defects in animals called atavisms, or throwbacks. For example, when whaling was common, from time to time whalers would pull up a whale that had hind legs in various stages of development. The legs were not usually functional, but some contained all the structures of normal mammalian legs, including bone, muscle and sinew. These could only grow if the whale's genes contained a blueprint for legs -- perfectly sensible in the context of evolution, but nonsensical in terms of creation. The fossil record of the evolution of whales indicates that they evolved from land animals, and it makes genetic sense that evolution gradually turned off the expression of hind legs. But like an intelligent computer programmer who deletes unnecessary program instructions, an intelligent creator would be expected to delete unnecessary genetic instructions for hind legs in whales.
In genetic experiments, scientists have taken chicken eggs and innoculated them with certain growth hormones to see what would happen. Some of the eggs developed tooth buds, which shows that birds still contain genes for teeth -- again completely consistent with the evolution of birds from toothed, reptile-like ancestors but inconsistent with a Supremely Intelligent Creator.
From time to time, horses are born with three toes -- the normal big one that has the hoof, and small ones on either side of it. This atavism proves that horses still contain the genes for the ancient condition of three toes -- completely consistent with the fossil record of the evolution of horses but inconsistent with a Creator.
Now, I have no doubt that you'll dismiss the above facts with your usual ridiculous comments. But I welcome such comments, just as I welcome idiotic comments from JW defenders, because it shows just how badly blind religious belief can affect people with normal intelligence.