evolution or creation? lets talk...

by Sam87 537 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step


    TopHat is a woman!

    TopHat is actually the perfect evolutionary product, an hermaphrodite with King Eglon in the brain, Jesus in the heart and lives in a condominium in Shittim.

    Let us face it, some arguments only deserve ad hominem replies.


  • dido

    seekker4-you`ve obviously missed me, and top hat, (who is a woman don`t ya know? Try reading some of the threads before you comment!) you love to hate us but can`t ignore us syndrome! We are gettinh tetchy aren`t we, can`t you take the pressure? tut tut! My observation on this thread, is that all you evo`s are the angry ones, and enjoy attacking us crea`s as you are so insecure in your own unproven theories. we don`t have to barrage you lot with our views. You lot are so busy trying to impose your crap on us, and hate it cos we are dissing it. You need to get drunk to stomache some of the crap you all put out, mr. know-all!

  • stevenyc

    Dido, I find it somewhat amusing that you claim not to 'believe' in evolution, while making statements that you DO in fact believe in evolution. So, which is it?


  • Satanus


    That's a lot of attitude w no real content w a large side dish of false accusations. Fluff, really. It's a poor showing for the creationist camp. Not enough for a judge to even allow it to enter the court room. Still, if you study and pray really hard and do find some evidence, you can still bring it here. Contrary to what you think, the door remains open.


  • dido

    under_believer show me one example of mutation.

    LT- your 2p is noted, thanks for being one of the balanced and decent people on this thread, (also add under_believer and Dansk)

    I think TopHat has done a great job.

    stevenyc- you are not going to draw me into a discussion with you, as you are the one who has tried to do this

    with myself and TopHat, and we are aware of your tactics.

    BigTex- no-one is stopping you from starting a discussion, why do you have to wait on everyone else? All the proof we need to give is read the creation account in Genesis, what more can i add?

  • stevenyc

    dido, aw, come-on. Now you've just proved to everyone what your purpose in this discussion is.


  • greendawn

    I love it when controversy reigns and threads grow so long: evolution, trinity, 607BC, they never fail to fire up a long debate. I am a creationist and I believe the theory of evolution is a collection of airy fairy tales for little children rather than a serious scientific preposition but I haven't got the time right now to engage in debates but later I will. I only say Neanderthal long promoted as a dull witted apeman has finally been accepted as fully human even by the evolutionists, that means fully human intelligent beings were on earth for 300 000 years yet only formed a real civilisation 7000 years ago. Who can believe that?

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    BigTex- no-one is stopping you from starting a discussion, why do you have to wait on everyone else?

    With all due respect, not sure where you're coming from. Your comment makes no sense.

    As I stated earlier, I approached this thread as if I knew nothing about either subject and made my comments based on what I read. I referenced specifically this comment from Alan:

    A challenge for the creationists: Present two facts, with supporting references, that give strong evidence in favor of special creation

    I would be curious if you would be able to do so.

    All the proof we need to give is read the creation account in Genesis, what more can i add?

    Okay. Then why should I accept the Genesis account as opposed to the somewhat detailed data regarding evolution presented in this thread?


  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Can creationists do anything similar, anything w god's fingerprints on it?

    I see God's fingerprints are on you my friend!

  • freetosee
    Can creationists do anything similar, anything w god's fingerprints on it?

    I see God's fingerprints are on you my friend!

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