This is so true - organization is unnecesary!
The original meaning of "church" (ekklesia) was not a term for a building. It simply meant the "body of believers (the people) in Christ".
No organizational affiliation is needed as Jesus said "where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there". (Matthew 18:20)
When the Samaritan women asked Jesus where the correct place was to worship God - he responded by saying "the time is coming when you will not worship either here (on the holy mountain) nor in Jerusalem but will worship in "spirit and truth". God is a spirit thus we can worship him anywhere. He is not confined to a building or organization.God is everywhere. (John 4:21-24)
Paul emphasized this fact by exclaiming to the men of Athens that "God does not dwell in man made temples". And goes on to explain how he is not far off from all of us. (Acts 17:24-28)
So anytime we have a few together we can worship God, pray to him and rely on his help for understanding his word. Our getting the understanding of scripture is the job of the Holy Spirit and not any man made organization. Lilly