Coming out of JWs, one of the most thorough studies I have done is on the topic of human organization. I have been very careful with this study for two reasons: (1) If human organization IS important, then "Where else do we go?" is an important question whether or not that is the question Peter asked Jesus; and (2) if human organization is NOT important, it allows us to see Christianity, fellowship, and our personal relationship with Christ in a whole new way.
I set out to determine whether human organization was necessary (and therefore, important), not to prove that it is unnecessary. I will start by presenting the basic arguments I have heard in favor of the necessity of human organization. If you have others I don't list, please supply them here.
(1) The apostles deciding on a new apostle to fill out an even dozen.
(2) Jesus sending out the 12 and then 70 with instructions and "by twos."
(3) Elders and ministerial servants in the 1st Century Christian congregations.
(4) Acts 15 (need more be said?)
(5) Instructions to Timothy and Titus regarding qualifications for appointments to offices of oversight.
(6) The organizational systems of the Israelites (i.e. the Levitical priesthood, the divisions of chieftans, the kings, the prophets).
If there are more that I have missed, please list them. You might have one I haven't considered that proves my results wrong. I will be getting back to this tonight to reveal the results of my studies.