I have heard that several legalistic religious organizations use John 6:68 to try to show that even if you find flaws with them, where else will you go? "Aren't we at least better than the "others"?", they ask. Actually this verse does not speak of going away or to any religious organization. It speaks of going directly to Jesus.
You can go on to read John 5:39-40. This tells the theme of the O.T. and N.T. Not a religion, but Jesus. Eternal life does not come from the knowledge of Scriptures. It does not come from "doing" good things.
Romans 8 and Galatians 4 explain in great detail what we need to have in order to be pleasing to God. We need His Son. Gathering with others who believe the gospel, as it is presented in the Bible, is a way to strengthen our faith. A religion is not necessary. A relationship is.
The comparison is made in the Bible of a slave and a son. A slave is not a family member. He stands to inherit nothing. But if that slave were adopted as a child, he shall also share in all the benefits of being a son.
Before we are Christians, we are slaves to sin. Even when we do something good, it is often for the wrong reasons. But as Christians, we experience freedom from the sin nature. We are no longer existing in the flesh only, but we now have the Spirit of Christ dwelling within us. We can now call God our Father. He's no longer impersonal and out of our reach. When we accept His Son, just as He arranged it, then that gives us the righteousness we need to be acceptable to Him. See Luke 11:11-13-- We are encouraged to ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit. There is nothing in the Bible that tells us we cannot.
Jer. 31:30-34 foretells the new covenant. It explains that His laws will be written in our hearts and minds, and will no longer need to be taught to us by others. In John 14, Jesus explains this new covenant. He is the only way to the Father. God arranged that we come to Jesus for forgiveness. He gave Him the power to forgive sins. The only way to be saved from our own sins, is to go directly to Jesus and ask his forgiveness. John14:14 tells us to ask JESUS, not to merely mention His name in the process of talking to God. You can cross reference this to Psalm 91:14-14 and you can also look in the Kindom Interlinear at Jonh 14:14, in the original Greek text and see that it says we are to speak directly to Jesus. John 14:15-26 explains the promise to come as a result of accepting Jesus. Notice: this promise was not limited to a certain number of people. It was not for a particular denomination. It was for ALL who accept Jesus (vs.21and vs. 23).
An organization of Christians who come together to worship and to build each other up is not a bad thing. Corruption comes when they start adding human rules and regulations, and then claim it is God doing it. Col. 2 tells of the freedom we have as Christians. Vs. 16 tells us that we should not let anyone judge us by what we eat or drink, by holidays, etc... Vs.22 says these things are based on human commands and teachings. They lack any value. Col.3:2 goes on to say that we should set our minds on things above, not on earthly things.
Legalistic religions are more interested on outward earthly appearances than on prayer and worship of God. If the focus is not on worship and teaching directly from the Bible, then it is not a good place to be.
The Bible doesn't promote "religion". It promotes faith, love, and salvation through Jesus alone (Acts 4:12). Anything good we do after that, is a result of being saved. We cannot add to our salvation through good works, because that would be saying that Jesus was not sufficient. The Bible is clear on the fact that He was completely sufficient.
Any denomination claiming to be the one and only true church, should raise red flags. No where in the Bible does it say that. There are two covenants, the old and the new. Two groups of Christians? No! Two groups of people, yes. The Jews and the Gentiles. One church = ALL Christians. (John 10:16-- ONE flock, ONE sheperd.)
Don't take mine, or anyone else's, word for it. Research it yourself and you will see the truth. And it really will set you free.
In Christ,