Yes, I have similar problems:
In her mind, I am the one at fault.
Does anyone here in this situation have this experience?
I tell my spouse about what's happening in the org, and she never blames the org. for screwing up my mind or other lives.
My wife never says, "what they've done is wrong/bad/terrible", it's, "I don't want to hear this"
She has yet to say "you're ruining our marriage." But give it time.
My wife makes excuses for the bad way the CO handled my "doubts" and she excuses the entire WTS for anything
I bring up. If I give her a fact from the Bible, she says there must be other places in the Bible where the WTS example
is correct, but then she won't discuss it further (She won't find the answer and won't allow me to discuss my findings)
It's not just Truthseeker. So we can all support each other. I know I have to lay off questioning the WTS for now, but
I do inform my wife why I do the things that I do like stop going out in service, or why I would not comment on THAT WT article.