New Campaign: "The End of False Religion Is Near" and the Tribulation

by Mikeus 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • luna2
    For years and years, the WTS literature was filled with pictures of Catholic clergy in the most unflattering ways, even calling them names because they had "relations with the Disgusting Thing"---the United Nations....while secretly doing the very same things that they condemned the "other religions" for doing.

    But, but, but....Jehoober's Witlesses have the TRUTH, Sunspot. They're different because God has chosen THEM as his only true people, so when they do these things, its just human error (they aren't perfect yet, you know), individual screwing up apart from the org, a faulty connection in the divine communication system, or something else rendering it all completely explainable and totally justified.

    It doesn't matter that they signed up with the UN as a NGO, PDQ, LMNOP or whatever the hell they were...that wasn't really fornicating with the image of the beast, it was undercover work, theocraptic warfare for Jah. It was all about getting a library card so they could use the UN library...yes, yes, I know they could have used the library anyway but they looked more official and important with their little badges/ ID cards and decoder rings. Didn't they get to sit in on cool meetings too, almost like they were important or something? Its such a shame that they were exposed so that their covert operations had to cease. *tsk*

    It also doesn't matter that the WTS does its utmost to cover up pedophila in the congregations. I mean, really, they wouldn't want to condemn men who are or could be all-important soldiers for Jehover (elders, pioneers, male) just because they sinned a little. Perverts have needs too, you know. Forgiveness is so important for Christians, don't you think?

    The GB doesn't let it bother them that thousands of innocent, helpless children have been hurt in the most heinous ways...after all, won't our loving Father eventually erase their memories and all will be happy and joyful forever and ever in a paradise on earth? Come on, these kids and their families will only suffer temporary pain and anquish. Isn't it of more immediate importance to try to hush things up so that the WTS looks as good as possible to the world? ...wait, no, no, don't think of whitewashed graves...NO! That doesn't apply to Jehovah's people...remember, they have the TRUTH...that condemnation applies only to other religions, those false ones...over there.

    This is why these things are kept from the rank and file...they just don't understand the role theocratic hypocrasy and deceit play in Jehovah's organization. *tsk*


    It would be kind of fun to take this explosive tract, fold it into a paper airplane while the dubs are walking away and launch it at the back of (one of) their heads. I'm sure it would be a most satisfying exercise for all involved. I'd laugh and they'd feel persecuted. (OMG! The Great Tribulation is starting already, Brothers! I think I wet my pants! Praise Jah!)


    Welcome, Mikeus. Glad you are posting.

  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    Mary, where in the world did you find that? It's exactly what I was hoping for, I mentioned to my totally brainwashed regular pioneer mom a few weeks ago, that the new tract was almost exactly the same as the one given out in 73, but only because I had heard it here, it would be great to actually show her, but it couldn't be from an "apostate" site, maybe if there was a scan of the tract for proof. Please let me know. Thanks.


  • Satanus

    Earlier this week a lone jw girl knocked on my door. I saw the familiar lit in her hands. She asked me, french or english. I told her that she had the wrong place and closed the door (i don't waste my breath on those bots). Later, i found the tract stuffed into my mailbox. Oooh, i have been warned. Maybe i should wait a month or two, then look up that girl at the local kh and ask how the destruction of false religion is going.


  • blondie


    Here is a KM article from that time re Kingdom News No. 17:

    *** km 12/73 pp. 1-4 "Walk in the Name of Jehovah" ***

    Kingdom News No. 17 to Be Distributed


    Most of the people of the world walk in a certain course set by this system of things. Different groups have their own paths. This is because ‘all the peoples, for their part, walk each one in the name of its god.’ These false gods are leading them to one place—a disastrous fight against Jehovah.


    "But," the scripture goes on, making a sharp contrast, "we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God." (Mic. 4:5) Only people on this path will avoid collision with God. Jehovah’s witnesses, on this path themselves, want as many as possible to find it, so that these may get out of the deadly rut they are in.


    The only way the people can change paths is for them to see the deadly folly of their ‘gods,’ the falsity of their religion and the peril to which it leads them. Then they must see the true God, Jehovah, and appreciate what walking in his name means. For these reasons, it is recommended that KingdomNews No. 17 be placed in as many homes as possible in each congregation’s territory during the ten days of December 22-31. By our courageously sharing in this work we will give evidence that we really are walking in the name of Jehovah, the God of truth.


    As its front page indicates, the tract answers the question "Has Religion Betrayed God and Man?" Consider the effect this headline will have: If a person is sighing and groaning over the detestable things done in the name of religion, or if he views himself as an enemy of religion or as merely nonreligious, the headline may arouse his curiosity, and the contents of the tract will be a real eye-opener for him. If the householder is a religious person, the very question raised in the headline may make him think; he may call to mind some doubts about practices in his own church, and so read what the tract says.


    Of course, not all religion has betrayed God and man (all but JWs but they deceptively don't mention that). The reader will be presented with this truth and will have an opportunity to see the contrast between the true religion and the false. Readers are encouraged to action, and the positive seeking and practicing of true worship are stressed.


    A short presentation will be sufficient, such as, "I have volunteered to share in a worldwide distribution of this tract. It is free. We are leaving one in every home. Please read it." Or, "The reason I am here is to give you a brief printed message. It is free. Please read it." We want the individual to read the tract rather than listen to a sermon from us on this visit. The less we say, the more likely the person will be to read the tract. However, we should be warm and friendly.


    The distribution this month takes place during the holiday season when many are free from secular work for a few days and young ones are out of school. We encourage all publishers to have a full share. The elders can assist all by making special arrangements for group witnessing, as the united effort encourages all. New ones who qualify for field service have here an excellent opportunity for an enthusiastic start.


    Of course, during most of the month we will be offering the Bible and TruePeaceandSecurity—FromWhatSource?, for a contribution of $1.25. If we still have our copy of the folder on "Bibles and Bible Study Aids," we can use it to show the people the Bibles and aids we can furnish, such as the large-print Bible and TheKingdomInterlinearTranslationoftheGreekScriptures. Also, if you have foreign-speaking people in your territory, keep in mind that the Bible is available in various languages.


    The nations continue to walk in the names of their gods, but not for much longer. Such false worship is leading them into destruction. We rejoice that many continue to come out of Babylon the Great. Before Jehovah’s patience runs out, it is our privilege to help these to join us in pure worship.



    "We, for Our Part, Shall Walk in the Name of Jehovah."



    Widen Out the Witness with Kingdom News No. 17.

  • blondie

    ICB, here is the tract from 1973 from the WT-CD. Compare it to this year's.

    *** kn17 pp. 1-4 Has Religion Betrayed God and Man? ***

    Kingdom News No. 17

    Has Religion Betrayed God and Man?

    To be faithful to God and to man—

    ? Religion should be a real force for peace on earth.

    ? It should truly aid people to live clean lives.

    ? It should set the example in being free from greed.

    Most religions claim to do this. But have they proved true to their claim?

    Instead, what if there has been betrayal? Then you owe it to yourself to learn the facts.


    The Bible says: "If anyone makes the statement: ‘I love God,’ and yet is hating his brother, he is a liar.—1 John 4:20.

    Compare that scripture with this statement by noted Protestant clergyman Harry Emerson Fosdick: "With one corner of our mouth we have praised the Prince of Peace and with the other we have glorified war."

    Typical is what happened in World War I:

    Roman Catholic Cardinal Amette of Paris told soldiers fighting in the French army: "The Almighty God is on our side. . . . God will give us the victory."

    On the opposite side, the Roman Catholic archbishop of Cologne told German soldiers: "God is with us in this fight . . . and he will give us the victory."

    (Quoted in the Belgian newspaper "La Dernière Heure.")

    In more recent times we see news headlines like those at the right.

    Catholic Poll Finds Clergy Pro-Viet War

    NEW YORK, POST, SEPT. 7, 1967


    DAILY TELEGRAPH (Australia), Jan. 7, 1972

    Lutherans Promise Support, Even to War, Of U.S. Steps in Crisis

    STAR, 1950

    Wednesday, March 2, 1949

    Baptist World Leader Warns U.S. to Keep Arms Strength

    Rev. Johnson Says ‘Physical Force Is Only Thing Russia Understands’

    SAN FRANCISCO NEWS, March 2, 1949

    Nazi Army Praised

    German Catholic Bishops Loyal

    NEW YORK POST Aug. 27, 1940

    Is the record of non-Christian religions better? No. They too have supported bloodspilling on a major scale. Their members often kill one another over political issues.



    The Bible says: "Make no mistake: no fornicator . . . none who are guilty either of adultery or of homosexual perversion, no thieves . . . or swindlers, will possess the kingdom of God."—1 Corinthians 6:9, 10, NE.

    Are the world’s religions free from guilt? No; even among religious people those practices have increased at a shocking rate.

    Ask yourself: ‘Suppose everyone lived like members of my religion? Would that eliminate crime, dishonest business practices and immorality?’

    When, in fact, did you last hear of a religion removing members who insist on practicing such things? Instead, what is happening is shown in the news clippings at the left.

    SEPTEMBER 25, 1964

    Pre-marital sex can be O.K.


    Is Homosexuality Wicked? Episcopal Priests Say No

    NEWS, NOV. 29 1967

    Bishop wants sex made legal at 14

    AUCKLAND STAR (New Zealand), July 11, 1972

    Archbishop: Many of our clergy are homosexual

    THE ADVERTISER (Australia), April 19, 1973



    The Bible says: "Its priests teach for hire, its prophets divine for money; yet they lean upon the Lord and say, ‘Is not the Lord in the midst of us?’" But Jesus Christ told his disciples: "You received free, give free."—Micah 3:11, RS; Matthew 10:8.

    What do you see today? Think: ‘How often has a religious leader come to my home to discuss God and his purposes? On the other hand, how many times have they asked me for money, perhaps even refusing religious services unless money was paid?

    The truth is that religious organizations are often among the greatest holders of wealth. Costly religious buildings tower over areas where their members live in stark poverty and hunger.



    The facts show that the world’s religions have proved hypocritical, false to God, grossly misrepresenting him. They have also betrayed mankind’s interests. To what will this lead?



    God has given the world’s religions a long time to prove what they are. Today we see their rotten fruitage all over the earth.

    The Bible shows that God’s day for accounting is now at hand. For the honor of His own name; which has long been slandered, and for the eternal good of all persons who love righteousness, God must and will act. What will he do?

    His inspired Word compares the world empire of false religion to a grossly immoral woman named "Babylon the Great." She is "richly adorned," living in "shameless luxury." In her is found the ‘blood of all earth’s slaughtered.’ God sentences her to be "burned with fire," completely destroyed. (See Revelation chapters 17 and 18.) This destruction will come from the very political powers that she has dominated for so long. What does this mean for you?



    God’s warning call is: ‘Get out of Babylon the Great if you do not want to receive her plagues.’ (Revelation 18:1-4) We are now in the "last days" of this present world system. (2 Timothy 3:1-5) To escape the fate that awaits hypocritical false religion, you need to cut all ties with it. But that is not all. You must practice true worship. Where can it be found?



    In over 200 lands there is a society of persons who detest the hypocrisy and deception practiced by false religion. They courageously uphold God’s Word the Bible, practice it and work for the lasting good of their fellowman. In honor of God’s name, they are known as Jehovah’s witnesses. But are they really different from other religions?



    Jehovah’s witnesses believe Jesus’ words, "You received free, give free." They freely give their time to aid others to learn the truth from God’s Word the Bible. You can receive such help at home through a personal Bible study, free of cost. You are welcome at their Kingdom Hall meetings; no collection plate is ever passed.



    Hundreds of thousands of persons world wide have been helped to bring their lives into harmony with God’s Word. Though from all races, nationalities and backgrounds, Jehovah’s witnesses are united. They no longer hate and kill; instead, they really love one another. They have learned how to put away immoral practices and to lead clean and happy lives. They have not betrayed either God or their fellowman; they would rather die than do that. They have a sure hope for the future: life in a clean, peaceful, parklike earth under God’s Kingdom government.



    Do you sincerely want to know the truth about your Creator? Do you want life in peace and righteousness for yourself and those you love?

    Only persons who practice true worship will survive the fast-approaching destruction of this wicked system with its religion that betrays God and man.

    Avail yourself now of the opportunity to get the knowledge that leads to survival and gain life in God’s righteous new order.

    Contact Jehovah’s witnesses in your area. And, to obtain the helpful book here illustrated, "True Peace and Security—From What Source?", mail this coupon.

    [ ] Please send me, postpaid, the 192-page book "True Peace and Security—From What Source?" Hard bound; easy-to-read type. I am enclosing 25 cents.

    [ ] Please arrange for a qualified person to visit me, free of charge, to aid me to get better acquainted with the Bible.



    True Peace and Security—From What Source?

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