Lets say something positive about Islam!

by eyeslice 107 Replies latest jw friends

  • dido

    `i guess maybe the history lesson is, don`t mess with the US`- that is exactly the type of arrogance and complacency that gets US in trouble. They are so confidant that they are ok, that they don`t think that anything will affect them, but look at 9/11? These countries may not have the latest weaponry, but they are using other methods to get their point across, and they are getting horrific results! The US needs to start eating humble pie, and stop bullying as it will come back on them Bigtime.

  • easyshi

    Let me get this straight!!! Iraq was on the way to be a Superpower and that's why we attacked...OK, if memory serves me correctly; the Iraqi people were not allowed to fly any of the fighters, they had absolutely no Navy, they were monitored by US aircraft 24/7, their country was blockaded and under sanctions, they had no usable WMD's, their main source of revenue(the oil industry was in a state of serious dis-repair) was limited, the country had been divided into thirds for the most part, they had no capability to manufacture much (autos, machinery etc) which made them a consumer nation which really limits your ability to make war, not like Germany of WWII the Iraqi's had no military industrial complex. I think they were even out of the most Fearsome weapon of all--SCUDS...Those are facts my friend--nothing for the US to fear!! Now that really makes for a great definition of a Superpower!! I bet the National Guard of Mississippi had as much capability to be a Superpower at that time. Beautiful!!!

  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    `i guess maybe the history lesson is, don`t mess with the US`- that is exactly the type of arrogance and complacency that gets US in trouble. They are so confidant that they are ok, that they don`t think that anything will affect them, but look at 9/11? These countries may not have the latest weaponry, but they are using other methods to get their point across, and they are getting horrific results! The US needs to start eating humble pie, and stop bullying as it will come back on them Bigtime.

    Upon reconsidering....I agree, I was being too polite.

    I should have said. Any country that harbors terrorists is open game and the US will hunt them down and kill them. If any Muslim leader has half a brain he will help flush terrorists out and not support any terrorist groups within his country. Given the history of the US in these matters it is certain they will use all means neccessary to achieve this goal.

  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW

    Here's the problem in a nutshell. It is why going to college and studying history is so important.

    Humans and wars have existed from the beginning of time.

    The Muslims have gone to war for centuries.

    The Middle East has a particularly interesting recent history as regards westerners (US and Brits) and Muslims

    The US has a very predictable pattern of behaviour in its history. Whether you agree or not, it is a pattern.

    The Muslim countries were warned not to harbor terrorists.

    Predictable. Absolutely.

    I guess the history lesson is that "You shouldn't mess with the US".

  • easyshi

    Well from what I can see, they are doin' A Great Job. Meeting objectives, killing terrorists, promoting democracy and econonomic stability, and course winning friends and influencing people all over the world. That has been one Winning Strategy. I think I'll call it the Bush Blair Blueprint for Long Term Security.Maybe I can submit it to the leaders at Oxford or Harvard and they can put together a degree program off of that blueprint. Don't steal my idea, I want the credit for this one!!! I'm sure this plan is a winner...

  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW


    I happen to think that because of cultural differences, a sustainable democratic system in most Muslim countries is improbable. I think that those who promoted that idea were wishful thinkers. The minute a democratically elected Palestinian force came to power that we didn't approve (Hamas) we immediately cut funding to them.

    On this we agree, there has been a lot of needless and unfortunate loss of life. It is not the course that I would have chosen. As US citizen we are free to cast my ballot and my conscience. I hope you do the same.

    It is not the leaders that suffer the most, it is the people.

  • easyshi

    Thanks for your conversation on this topic, there has been a little agreement on some points. Hope you continue to live in and find peace...I'm out for now!! Gotta do something else other than sit on this computer all day...

  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW

    Shalom to you as well!

  • freetosee
    Yes, but have you drunk your camel urine today?

    XJW4EVR, seems like you have learned many things from the bible, following Rabshakeh’s example that is!


    Please tell me that you think I am making this up. Please, please, please!

    XJW, if there is something you want to prove, go right ahead! Your question reminded me of Rabshakeh’s defiant speech (2 Kings 18:27). He mentioned "urine drinking" in order to ridicule.

    On the other hand, there are many people of different backgrounds who claim "urine drinking" is very therapeutic, even camel urine.



    "First of all, let us clarify the reason and story behind the prescription. Some people had become very ill at the time of the prophet, and were suffering from an unknown illness. Their bellies had swollen and they were not in a fit state. Hence, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said to them, that they would find a cure in the milk and urine of a camel and so he sent them out to an area where camels were grazing fresh herbs. These men went to this area and drank the milk and urine. Sure enough, just like the Prophet said, they were cured and became fit and healthy.

    Yet the Prophet had said in another Prophetic saying that body excretions, such as blood, pus, urine, etc, was filthy and prohibited in Islamic law. It is Islamically prohibited for a Muslim to drink their urine. Muslim scholars came to the conclusion that the real meaning of this the Prophets odd prescription is that if a person needs to consume an impure and impermissible substance as a cure for an illness, and no other reasonable alternative is available, then it is permissible

    In all other circumstances, camel urine or ANY animal urine is prohibited.

    As for human urine, it is forbidden no matter what; the Prophet Muhammad told us that it is simply waste matter, and is filthy and impure (a Muslim can not pray if he has any on his clothes)."


    also http://www.answering-christianity.com/urine.htm


  • stillajwexelder

    Extremely hospitable - they look after the elderly - no way would they put their mother in a nursing home. Some of the foods they eat are absolutely wonderful. Magnificent architecture

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