Lets say something positive about Islam!

by eyeslice 107 Replies latest jw friends

  • easyshi


    Sorry thought I answered your question but maybe I didn't. I think I said earlier that evil should condemned by all civilized people on both sides. Why everyone doesn't, probably many reasons. The problem is that we only see our side, read our news and understand from the base of our upbringing and understanding. So being in a safe and secure United States of America and not being subjected to foriegn invaders for years it is easy to say that some other people should see things our way and freely offer up condemnation. That has proven to be hard to do, even in America, without being subjected to some form of retaliation, especially if you are a government official. Look at Suzy Sheehan or Valerie Plame. Get an alternative view and understand that there are over 7,000,000,000 people living on the planet and the 300,000,000 of us in the US have been blessed many times more than others due our hard work, perserverance, good fortune, and some exploitation of poorer people and countries. It is like hearing the question after hurricane Katrina, why did not they leave? I say those that had the means for the most part did, but from an outsider of the region that is hard to understand. So, the best thing to do is get knowledge of the area and remember that there are many Americans, other westerners other religious people living in these areas in peace, if the danger was so great why are they there? Many westerners in Lebanon, working, studying, vacationing before this last war, all of them there of there free will. Families with children, they only seemed afraid of the bombs that were falling not the people they were living amongst. You will find the same thing in all of the region, even Iran. Each leader has to face or condemn evil if they don't the evil will eventually destroy them, but those that don't should not be attacked by the superpower based off the desire to control. In time terrorism does not work it is like a termite destroying from within. We in the west supposedly know better, are more civilized and should not use the means of the barbaric to get our way. We are not under attack, don't believe the hype!

  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    Each leader has to face or condemn evil if they don't the evil will eventually destroy them, but those that don't should not be attacked by the superpower based off the desire to control

    I think you make Pres. Bush's case for why force is neccessary. It is because the Muslim leaders who harbored and supported terrorism did not and will not condemn it. This is his entire premise. Well stated!

  • easyshi

    Were there that many being deposited on the streets before we showed up? And let's not forget the thousands we vaporized day in and day out. We aren't much better if you look at it. Saddam was bad but over 600,000 have been killed and many thousands wounded since this immoral war was started. Our presence was a catalyst for this. Now we stand around and wonder why there are so many people dying? Take away your parents,your means of making a living, eliminate your basic services and see what would happen. How many Americans died during the civil war? Have we become so callous as to think we have no hand in this? We need to take the blame for our grevious mis-calculation and action. Destroy the country, uproot it's citizens, take away it's infrastructure and then wonder why the violence is like it is. And say that their was a strong coalition backing this foolishness. I'm looking for that strong coalition, even Blair's army is stating the obvious now. Didn't someone high up in Government warn the boys that "if you break it, you own it!" Where is that fella now?

  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    Were there that many being deposited on the streets before we showed up? And let's not forget the thousands we vaporized day in and day out. We aren't much better if you look at it. Saddam was bad but over 600,000 have been killed and many thousands wounded since this immoral war was started. Our presence was a catalyst for this. Now we stand around and wonder why there are so many people dying?

    We don't sit around and wonder why so many are dying. It is your Muslim brothers that are killing each other in sectarian violence. The underlying nature of this region has been exposed much like Bosnia in the 90's.

    During the Iraq/Iran combined war estimates of death are on the order of around a million. Saddam himself slaughtered and gassed hundreds of thousands of his own people during his reign.

    Muslim's killing Muslim's should not be blamed on Americans.

  • easyshi

    You know I did forget... I remember now, Bush was elected Chief of Police for the world. Him and the great coalition of the willing (lol) were the only ones to see the imminent danger of Iraq. What a visionary!!! He was so smart that he even paid others to agree to allow him to come and bring his Army. This is such a joke and a very bad one at that. Watch your local news, the body counts and lost money on all sides is rising by the minute..Mission Accomplished!!! --What A Fool!!!

  • easyshi

    He sure did, with gas, and bombs, and planes stamped Made in the USA. Hell he was our friend as long as he did what we wanted. That war material was bought from someone and had the blessing of someone, Duh! And don't forget he still never attacked the US...Hell, remember that picture of Ol' Saddam and Rumi taken back in the day, both smilin' like Chesser Cats...They looked like Buds to me, what happened?..

  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW

    As you stated earlier

    Each leader has to face or condemn evil if they don't the evil will eventually destroy them, but those that don't should not be attacked by the superpower based off the desire to control

    I think you make Pres. Bush's case for why force is neccessary. It is because the Muslim leaders who harbored and supported terrorism did not and will not condemn it. This is his entire premise. Well stated!

    You know I did forget... I remember now, Bush was elected Chief of Police for the world. Him and the great coalition of the willing (lol) were the only ones to see the imminent danger of Iraq. What a visionary!!! He was so smart that he even paid others to agree to allow him to come and bring his Army. This is such a joke and a very bad one at that. Watch your local news, the body counts and lost money on all sides is rising by the minute..Mission Accomplished!!! --What A Fool!!!

    The fools are the Muslim leaders who did not condemn the terrorists in their midst! The Muslim culture despite your posts is quite different than the Western world. Many Arabs view lying as a perfectly acceptable bartering tool (if you know Arabs, then you know this statement is true).

    You defend a culture and way of thinking that I think you know little about. If the powerful Muslim countries could, they would rule the world by force. We merely beating them to the punch and diminishing their capabilites to do so.

  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    He sure did, with gas, and bombs, and planes stamped Made in the USA. Hell he was our friend as long as he did what we wanted. That war material was bought from someone and had the blessing of someone, Duh! And don't forget he still never attacked the US...Hell, remember that picture of Ol' Saddam and Rumi taken back in the day, both smilin' like Chesser Cats...They looked like Buds to me, what happened?..

    As an individual, you look out for your best interests, correct? The US looks out for its best interests as well. All countries do, and that is why you do not deny that given the chance a Muslim superpower would rule the world by force. Its within human nature.

    What happened in the Middle East with the US? It's pretty simple.Back in the late 40's-50's we helped bring the Shah to power, then years later when a coup took place by the fundamentalists, the CIA helped he Shah get back into power. So naturally when things came to a head in the 1970's, the group that the Shah had suppressed (the fundamentalists with their leader the Ayatollah) mounted a coup and came to power. Then they turned the retoolled the printing presses used for printing money that were identical to the ones used in the US and they started printing counterfeit US dollars. We know because we sold the Shah them. For most of the 90's American dollars was the main currency traded in the streets of the Middle East. That is one of the main reasons that we changed the 100's. 50's and 20's. BTW the other country that was notorious for doing this (counterfeiting US dollars) after 2000 was North Korea. The US was shut out and began to sell arms to Iraq, because they started a war with our other current enemy Iran.

    Then when Saddam invaded Kuwait he became our enemy.

    Then when 9/11 happened and no Muslim countries condemned the terrorism and violence, the US set out to find and eliminate terrorist groups and regimes that were unfriendly to the US and supported terrorist groups. Masharif had to go along with us if he wanted to stay in power. He was smart. Saddam was not. The US can be loyal friends to those who are loyal to us, and we can be a tough foe.

    I guess maybe the history lesson is, don't mess with the US.

  • easyshi

    Ohhhhhhhhhhh, many Arabs view lying as acceptable. That makes a lot of sense. So, it is appropriate for us to lie to cause death and destruction because of that premise. That is a very solid position. I'd love my son or daughter to be blown to hell because the "liar Bush felt it was Appropriate to start a war based on lies, because the Arabs lie." Sign me up today!!! Man that really makes us the Beacon of Morality. You could be my leader anytime. (I'm bowing down) Can I register for the draft???

  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    Ohhhhhhhhhhh, many Arabs view lying as acceptable. That makes a lot of sense. So, it is appropriate for us to lie to cause death and destruction because of that premise. That is a very solid position. I'd love my son or daughter to be blown to hell because the "liar Bush felt it was Appropriate to start a war based on lies, because the Arabs lie." Sign me up today!!! Man that really makes us the Beacon of Morality. You could be my leader anytime. (I'm bowing down) Can I register for the draft???

    Who ever said war is Moral?

    As you stated earlier

    Each leader has to face or condemn evil if they don't the evil will eventually destroy them, but those that don't should not be attacked by the superpower based off the desire to control

    I think you make Pres. Bush's case for why force is neccessary. It is because the Muslim leaders who harbored and supported terrorism did not and will not condemn it. This is his entire premise. Well stated!

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