Lets say something positive about Islam!

by eyeslice 107 Replies latest jw friends

  • stealyourface

    Yes, the 'Christian' West has had it's problems, and has been involved in many wars, although few have been committed in the name of religion. The Crusades were a defensive war against Islam's agression in Palestine. Why has the West been able to prosper and work in a spirit of co-operation?

    I will give Islam this, they are getting back to the fundamentals. What is your take on sura 9.5 and 9.29? what are your views of Shari'a, and what do you make of the refusal of Muslim states to sign the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Should the International Olympic Committee change the date of the 2012 Olympics so that Islamic athletes are not conflicted about participating in sport, or fasting during Ramadan? What you think of the hysterical attacks on all those, including the Pope, who dare to say things that are not flattering to Islam? What do you think of the Danish cartoons murder threats, the figure of Muhammad, and of little Aisha,(6 yr. old wife) and Asma bint Marwan, and the Khaybar oasis attack, and whether he agrees with other Believers that Muhamamd is indeed the Perfect Man, the man to be emulated, uswa hasana, al-insan al-kamil. No taqiyya and tu-quoque please.

    You sound like an appologist for a Death Cult. Most of us here have had our fill with them.

    Daily Mail article on the Olympics http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=410439&in_page_id=1770

    Online Qur'an http://www.hti.umich.edu/k/koran/browse.html

    Islam's equivalent of Quotes http://www.jihadwatch.org/

  • dido

    easyshi- i think you have made some very good valid points.

  • stealyourface

    To clairfy, most of us have had our fill with death cults.

  • easyshi

    Stealyourface, I don't have answers to everything you ask that would take a while but I'll say this; I'm not a apologist for any wrong doing. All wrong doers should have to answer commensurate with the harm they cause. The Muslims saw the crusades as an invasion especially since the so-called liberators traveled from all over what is now called Europe, almost like today in Baghdad even if there idea was noble (remove Saddam) people that live an area may not see you the way you would like to be seen. The Crusaders were not looked upon kindly and maybe if you were in there place you may see it the same way. Changing the Olympics for Ramadan for the Muslims I feel would be not appropriate, the Olympics were not created for any particular religion. If you can work your faith around the event then do so, if your faith will not allow for accomodation, oh well, life goes on. The true meaning and idea of Islam is Peace and the making of Peace. I think the big problem is that Muslims are allowed to fight if attacked, the Quran teaches that. Do people always abide, no.. Myself, not being raised in an Islamic country, my view may be different than people born in the faith but I feel that Murder because of some believed verbal slander is outdated and wrong. Islam should be able to stand up to criticism, I see no need to attack someone because they don't agree. I'm sure a True God can stand criticism.

  • easyshi

    Lawrence, If you are not a small minded westerner then the general phrase was not for you. "If a rock is thrown in a pack of dogs the only one that hollers is the one that got hit." I didn't hit you did I ???

  • JWdaughter

    They have some wonderful architecture and it is based in the fact that they won't make idols, so the designs of the buildings and interiors are very beautiful and have no dead bodies hanging on a cross nor fat smug little men or half human half animal statue/shrines filled with flowers and food. The simplicity is very beautiful.

  • stealyourface

    The true meaning and idea of Islam is Peace and the making of Peace.

    Easyshi, if only that were so! The word Islam is from the root saalem, meaning peace, but Islam actually means submission. In a round about way, it means the peace that comes from submission. The problem with Islam is not that it is a 'foreign' religion, but that it seeks to impose it's dictates in any country it's adherents establish a foothold. From it's beginning Mohammed's goal was conquest by death if necessary. Today, we see Muslims in Europe, Africa and Asia reverting to 'old school' Islam, as the Prophet intended. 'Peaceful' Muslims in the West are seeking to further Islam via changing laws and seeking special accomodations to protect their lifestyle at the expense of others, rather than assimilate to their new (or existing) homelands.

    I have no beef with you personally. You sound like a 'moderate' Muslim who has trancended the violent message of Mohammed. I do agree with you that a True God can stand criticism, or at least forgive an honest doubt without any earthly hatchmen.

  • hambeak

    easyshi yes they did teach us that emmisions kill not only brain cells but the body as well that is why if a car doesn't pass on emmissions it doesn't get driven here legally as the state will buy it from you if you can not afford to fix it for $1000.00 us but what does that have to do with a fanatical religion that is based on cruelty remember what pope benedict started by quoting from a document 100's of years old riots in the streets. That just reinforces unrestrained rage and behaviour from a bunch of fanatics

  • easyshi

    You're correct, peace and submission are all parts of Islam. The application or mis-application of religion is really what has brought most of us here. I really don't consider myself moderate, I just try and be fair, even tempered and balanced. Agreement with my way of thinking or intrepretation of a point is just that, my thinking and interpretation and not mandatory. The Muslims I know understand they must live among the human population and try to be good neighbors. The revelation that god can be seen in the fabric of us all is something we need to understand. Not knowing causes fear, meet your neighbor, they may be different but that don't make them bad. Garments and traditions are like clouds, they sometimes keep you from seeing the sky but they can sure be great at changing your perspective and view, and they may bring some much needed rain to a dry earth.. Think over it!!!

  • easyshi


    Your last sentence says it all, the fanatics are not the religion, just as the mafia does not represent all Italians, the JDL does not represent all Jews or any other fringe group speaks for the majority. You had a bad experience. I met a Klansman once and he was white. He did not represent all white people, he represented klansmen. Fanatics represent Fanatics--Plain and Simple. Read the 83rd Chapter or Surah. But remember this is not a religious post just something you can read when troubled by the works of those who do evil.

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