What is your purpose here?

by The Scotsman 121 Replies latest jw friends

  • TD


    Most JW's never really think the "Blood issue" through.

    It's either right or it's wrong. If it's wrong than people have died for nothing and frankly, that's an obscenely evil thing.

    If it's right, than it should be defensible. You should be able to defend it; Else you should not be engaging in JW proselytizing activities.

    Can you?

  • Flowerpetal

    My purpose here is to become a more informed person. You know that slogan, "Knowledge is power?" When one starts to gather knowledge which isn't slanted to an organization's beliefs, and I mean any organization, religious or otherwise, one starts to see a bigger picture, a much bigger picture.

    Also when the Isaiah book was studied in the book study groups, a few years ago, I just got very tired of another comparison of apostate Jerusalem to Christendom and the bashing which followed . Christendom may not be the best of all worlds, but it sure does a whole lot more in at least attempting to help those in 3rd world countries with food and medicines, etc. I don't see the WT society doing things like that.

    Scotsman, I think you should look at Blondie's postings every week in the "Bible Research and Study Articles" section of this forum. She does an excellent job of covering and examining the current, main WT study articles once a week, and she includes WT quotes from past articles in past years, and she also raises pertinent questions to think about.

    BTW, I was raised as a JW and was baptized at the age of 11 1/2 yrs. old in 1959. Over the last few years I have come to realize that a child has no business getting baptized especially before puberty and a teenager definitely has no business getting baptized either. If JWs preach that we are to bet footstep followers of Jesus, I ask you to think about the age Jesus was when he got baptized. He was about 30 yrs. old, right? Shouldn't that example be followed as well?

  • fokyc


    It's Thursday! Enjoy the meetings tonight, nearly 2 hours of sheer boredom


  • parakeet

    The Scotsman: "Show me a serious alternative to Jehovah's organisation? Jehovahs-witness.com??????? I do not think so. Its ironic really - the web address is www.jehovahs-witness.com and yet it is a club for non witnesses."

    Why is an alternative to the JWs necessary before you will investigate your own religion? If you represent yourself honestly, you sound like someone willing to talk. I hope you stick around.

    As for my own reasons for being here, I come here to learn, to help if I can, to be entertained, and most unexpectedly, to make new friends. If you stay here long enough, you will find friends here.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Well now The Scotsman, what's your purpose in being here? You said this about most of the posters here:

    People desperately trying to convince themselves that they were right to give up!

    You are wrong. Most of us don't need any further convincing, we are already convinced that we were right to leave the organisation that you say represents God. You being on here telling us it's the truth will convince no one.

    You comment about people harking back to 1914,1915 etc, and can't see the significance. Read Deuteronomy 18:20-22, then read some wts history, paricularly what was prophecied about 1914,1915,1918,1925, and you'll see the significance of those dates. The watchtower org, the same one you are part of, said the world would end in those years, and didn't present their claims as theeory, but indisputable fact.

    Take a look at this link and see some of the many wts doctrinal flip flops over the years:


    Don't worry, it's not apostate material, though that shouldn't bother you, you're here, after all, but merely quotes from wts publications. Here's an example:

    Who is The 'Lord' as mentioned in Romans 10:12-16

    • 1903 - 'Lord' refers to Jesus.
    • 1940 - 'Lord' refers to Jehovah.
    • 1978 - 'Lord' refers to Jesus.
    • 1980 - 'Lord' refers to Jehovah.

    Don't you think that if the wts truly had God's backing, they would get something like that right the first time, and not have to keep changing it? Here's another example:

    Who are the ‘ Higher Powers' mentioned at Romans 13:1

    • 1916 - 'Higher powers' refers to governments.
    • 1943 - 'Higher powers' refers to Jehovah God & Jesus Christ.
    • 1964 - 'Higher powers' refers to governments.

    An examination of wts literature over the years will reveal that they change doctrine to fit in with what thet are teachhing at the time, or write a new story when time runs out on the old one. It's nothing whatsoever to do with "new light" from Jehovah, but it's all to do with a few old men in Brooklyn trying every means possible to cling on to the power and privilege they have. Most of us on this board have realised that. It's the reason we left the wts, and the reason we will never go back.

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    Whoever this Watchtower Troll is, he is not engaging in any discussion worthy of attention.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Scotsman, don't get your knickers in a knot now. :)

    I lived through the 1975 "debacle" within the organization of JW's and can tell you that we WERE told that 1975 was "the" year and people all over the WTS were running up humongous debts, buying material things in preparation for the end of this system, while thinking they wouldn't actually have to pay for them after 1975. The ones that weren't running themselves into debt were sizing up the housing in their area to see which of the more well-heeled local denizens' homes they wanted to take possession of after the big "A." All foolish, I know, but it wouldn't have happened if there hadn't been some positive reinforcement to their attitude from the JW heirarchy.

    Your original post contains the comment something to the effect that posters here are making a "mountain out of a mole hill" regarding the UN NGO WTS membership issue. How long have you been a member of the WTS? If you didn't have anal-tunnel vision syndrome and were a studious member of the WTS prior to the 90's, you'd know positively that there's no mole hill where this issue is concerned.

    I await the day when your eyes are opened. The words you've glibly posted here are going to be difficult for you to digest at that time.

    The opposite end of the spectrum from the WTS is freedom and you can't have freedom until you know the truth. The reason you're not free and don't have freedom is because the WTS does NOT have the truth. They have smoke and mirrors and know how to keep their members worked up to a fever pitch and keep them with blinders on.

    Have you seen the movie "Stepford Wives?" Or "The Matrix?" Another, even better parallel/parody of the WTS and its......teachings and practices is the post about kissing "Hank's" *ss. I'll give it a "bump" and make it easier for you to find. :)



  • Warlock

    What is YOUR purpose here?


  • kid-A

    "And I will certainly distribute KN 37 as millions of us will."

    Could you drop a box off at my door? I'm toilet training a puppy and I find the Watchtower paper material highly absorbent for this purpose.

  • love2Bworldly

    I haven't had time to read all the posts, but the purpose of me coming here is I've learned a lot of great information on why the JW religion is a cult, is very negative, it takes away people's lives literally/emotionally/spiritually.

    And I like helping people who have questions on what it's like to live in that terrible religion, and give comfort to those who are being shunned by their families--even if they were never baptised as a JW, which is VERY un-Christlike and EVIL.

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