I have a sincere question....

by AGuest 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    Thanks to all who responded... in whatever way. Peace... to those who 'receive' it from me. I truly didn't mean to provoke, but understand. Silly me.

    SJ, a slave of Christ, who has decided to 'move on'...

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    No apology need.

    Hope you feel better.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • Naeblis

    Even though we've had our number of "clashes" I'm with ya on this one. I don't think you meant anything by your question. Booya. (yes booya)

  • lauralisa

    Hi Shelby, (may I call you Shelby?)

    It is curious to observe that when a topic is started by you, an initial concept is presented, but the thread quickly defaults to a character-analysis and wrestling of terms, which have nothing to do, in and of themselves, with the subject in which you are supposedly interested.

    I posted some ideas relative to your question. It was a sincere (well, actually, I had worked two eleven-hour days in a row and posted after a couple well maybe three Victory Ales) yes, sincere and empathetic response.

    I thought I "heard" the gist of your inquiry. Your question seemed legitimate to me. Inside all of your words in all of the things you post, I perceive that you view humankind from a perspective other than that of a nationalist. I cannot for the life of me see this whole thing as an "us vs. them" conflict. It breaks my heart that so many were murdered in cold blood last week. It breaks my heart that in retribution, many countless others will be murdered in cold blood. I cannot see it as an "us vs. them" problem. It is an "us vs. us" issue.

    I carried a tiny number of concepts with me when I got out of the WTBTS organization. One that I hold dear, and have always embraced, is the fact that we are all members of the same human family. Nationalistic borders are fine, for economic/organizational reasons... but really, don't we all depend on one another as an entire planet of beings to make life something other than dog food? If you are, as you claim, to be one of God's anointed, then you see the human family as something other than a bunch of separated groups, one being superior to another for whatever reason.

    I would not prefer to live in any other country than the US, and I would never NEVER disagree with someone like Danny re the issue of punishing or in fact eliminating evil serial killers from our midst..... Who does NOT want criminal murderers punished? Who does NOT want to feels safe from psycho killers? Duh.

    You brought up the issue of GWB being applauded roundly, repeatedly, and enjoying broad approval, while astutely observing that he has done very little of substance. What really has he done other than spew the correct chemistry of verbiage? He doesn't even speak his own mind; the best speech-writers in the nation write his words. He just pulls it off. He has proven to be a good speaker. And he has not had sex with a near-child, at least not in public. Yet.

    Those are a fine set of credentials, by me, but they are not by any means inspiriation to invest loyalty or faith in him - or especially to allow him to speak for or make decisions for me. He is just another human man.

    OK. So there is a collective consensus. Kick their butts, in fact, kick their butts halfway across the entire universe. I'd pull the trigger if I had a good aim and a good gun, if I could even touch a gun..... Are we bad americans because we don't wholeheartedly support the concept of sending our children off to kill other innocent mothers and children and elders and innocent bystanders who just happen to be in the vicinity of the evilmongers? Isn't collective rage interesting? What kind of horrors await all who live on the globe if "all" americans wage war with "terrorists"?

    I have had my share of trauma. I would shoot a couple of people right between their twisted, ugly, life-void eyes in cold blood if I had the opportunity. One of them lives in a southern state. But it would not be right to nuke the entire state just to get at that one person. I'd probably blow a number of people who post on this board right away if that was the case.

    Why do you let yourself get so drawn off-topic? Are you not sure of what you are really asking? Why do you respond at such length to people (OH MY GOD NO DISRESPECT INTENDED... I ACTUALLY LIKED THE DIALOGUE ESP. TJ'S.) who don't answer your question? Why do you personally respond to everyone who posted except me? Not that I want your attention, at all; it's just an observation. If I insulted you or had suggested that you are pathologically seeking attention, would you have addressed me by name? Did my remarks speak to your question at all? Have you thus far gotten any insight into your original inquiry? This DB is a fascinating study in human interaction. You are a poster whose ideas I look forward to because of their originality and unique perspective. My skin has thickened in the past month. I am truly interested in your feedback to my questions.



    It's only water from a stranger's tear (Peter Gabriel)

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    I really doubt Shelby is avoiding you on purpose, she's not that way.
    I'm sure she will give you a reply.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • AGuest

    DWilt and Naeb... thank you. Sincerely.

    LauraLisa... may you have peace... and may I say that you are absolutely correct in your observation... and evaluation... of me in this instance. You DID answer my question, entirely, and I fell prey to the 'usual suspects'. I sincerely apologize and I think that is what has got me down about this particular thread. I asked myself, "Okay, just where did THIS take a 'left' turn?"... and it took it... with me. When I responded, against my better judgment... and my Lord's voice... to that which in truth warranted no response. I responded, I think, for the most part, out of habit... and I have 'reaped' what I myself 'sowed'.

    I am grateful that you and a couple others understood my question, CONDESCENDED to TRY and understand my question, without questioning my motive for asking... and kindly, even LOVINGLY... responded. I TRIED to say I didn't understand... and simply wanted to. Ah, well...

    Please, LauraLisa, forgive my rudeness in overlooking you; it truly was not intended. I let myself get distracted from the issue. I guess I just fell into the 'norm' for what tends to ususally transpire between me and some here in discussions. That may have been what DBearMan meant. I think, however, your way of saying it 'rung truer' for me.

    Again, I bid you peace, LauraLisa, and I look forwarding to sharing with you... and hearing from you... again.

    I am...

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • JustAThought
    I have friends from Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Korsovo, Serajevo; friends that are Arab, Muslim, 'christian', Jewish, etc. And so, I may perhaps have a different 'picture' of the issues based on this.

    I have a question related to your statement above.

    Does your present level of enlightenment include anything as to the differences, (or non-differences) in the religious labeling which we apply to ourselves (or do we?)? In other words, are there Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, atheists, etc. who are true children of God, as well as Christians? Does it make any difference? Can I get there from any direction?


  • AGuest

    Hello, JustAThought... and may you have peace!

    I have been directed to ask you... and PLEASE understand the INTENT of my asking:

    Do you want the TRUTH? Or do you simply want my opinion, which would be an answer with which to debate?

    I am to ask you this because of the way in which you phrased your question(s): you first ask if MY 'present level of enlightment includes anything on the subject, which means it is an 'opionion', really. Yes? But you go on and ask in a manner that suggests I might have received and possess 'the' answer. Which would NOT be an 'opinion'. Yes?

    If you are asking my OPINION, based on my 'present level of enlightenment,' I can only say to you that MY opinion... doesn't mean 'squat'. It holds NO weight, whatsoever. The TRUTH, however, 'the' answer... is not 'my' opinion, for I would not have thought of it on my own anyway... one way or another. I promise you.

    Thus, I DO know the answer, as it was GIVEN to me... and I simply 'received' it. And I personally have absolutely NO problem sharing with you at all. However, my Lord has directed me to admonish you to unify your heart in this matter, for an 'indecisive man' receives... nothing.

    He says that rather than worrying about what some might think of you for asking, put aside your 'fear of man'... and simply ask. So... you must let him know just really what is it you 'wish' to know on this matter, before I will be permitted to respond. Ask him first, JAT.

    Psalm 4:4

    In the meantime, I again bid you peace, and I am...

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • Farkel

    : Hello, JustAThought... and may you have peace!

    I'm drowning in your "peace." Did God tell you to say that 1,000,000,000 times?

    : I have been directed to ask you... and PLEASE understand the INTENT of my asking:

    : Do you want the TRUTH?

    Yes, I do. That's why I'm not asking you for it. I'll figure it out on my own. Or I won't. But I won't get it from you. You and only you have convinced me of that.

    With that last question, your just set yourself up for another 100 post thread "humbly" aggrandizing yourself and your "gift." Jesus never did crap like that, I wish you would cut it out and follow his example.

    And another thing: he never said "may you have peace" 1,000,000,000 times, either.

    Chill, girl.

    Your friend,



  • AGuest

    Hey, there, 'friend' Daddy-O... and may YOU have peace!

    JustAThought... and may you have peace!

    Yeah, I said... uh, 'wished' that...

    I'm drowning in your "peace."

    Are YOU JustAThought, Daddy-O? Truly, I did NOT know that! Honest.

    Did God tell you to say that 1,000,000,000 times?

    Uh, actually more like seven TIMES 1,000,000,000. LOL! No, really, I don't think there's a 'limit'...

    I have been directed to ask you... and PLEASE understand the INTENT of my asking: Do you want the TRUTH?

    Yep, I said that, too...

    'Do you want the TRUTH?' Yes, I do. That's why I'm not asking you for it.

    So... you're NOT JustAThought? You just respond to posts TO JustAThought? Can you help a sista' out, here? I'se 'confoozed'.

    I'll figure it out on my own.

    Well, you GO, boy!

    Or I won't.

    Well... at least you didn't hear it from me... but truth is, after all, TRUTH. Yes?

    But I won't get it from you.

    You most certainly won't. While I do KNOW the Truth, I do not 'possess' him or 'contain' him. Indeed, I can also TELL you the Truth... but I can't GIVE him to you... or to anyone else. You've got to go directly to HIM for that... well, at least ASK him. I think that's what I said to JAT, though.

    You and only you have convinced me of that.

    Well! At least I've 'convinced' you of something. Not that I was trying to... either way.

    With that last question, your just set yourself up for another 100 post thread "humbly" aggrandizing yourself and your "gift."

    Nahhh... I just spoke the truth, as I heard it FROM the Truth. You needn't have responded, as needn't anyone else... except, perhaps, JAT.

    Jesus never did crap like that, I wish you would cut it out and follow his example.

    But, indeed, I AM, dear one... truly.

    And another thing: he never said "may you have peace" 1,000,000,000 times, either.

    Uh, and just how would YOU know that? Because it wasn't RECORDED 1,000,000,000 times? Have you not heard and did you not read:

    "JahEshua came and stood in their midst
    and said to them: 'May you have peace'"

    John 20:21


    "There are, in fact, many other things
    also which JahEshua did, which, if ever
    they were written in FULL detail, I
    suppose, the world itself could not
    contain the scrolls written."

    John 21:25

    So, maybe he did... and maybe he didn't. So what? At any rate, I am seriously at a loss as to why a SINCERE wish of peace for some of you is such an irritant. Now, if I was to say something like... hmmmmm... "drop dead and kiss my..." I could see ya'll getting upset. But, I don't talk like that. (Well, yeah, I most CERTAINLY think like that, from time to time, and lately, quite a bit, if you want to know the truth...) However, I know a WHOLE lot of folks that do, some who even post here. Would say it right out... in a post... AND to your face. Why is it that that type of 'dialogue' makes some of ya'll giddy with excitement, and in contrast, wishing you well... by means of wishing you PEACE... just... well, pisses you off?

    But frankly, my dear...

    Chill, girl.

    Cool as a cucumber, Daddy-O. Always. Honestly and truthfully. Easy to be, too, 'cause my Lord has said, in essence... "And NEVER let 'em see you sweat." So, I'm running at about a 'cool' 97.6 (my 'normal' body temp...)

    Your friend,

    LOLOLOLOL! Your REAL name wouldn't happen to be 'Brute', now, would it, Daddy-O? Ah, nevermind!

    Peace, boy!!

    Your servant, friend and slave of Christ... STILL...

    Shel (who ain't mad at 'cha...)

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