I have a sincere question....

by AGuest 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    May you have peace:, sass, sass, sass, sass, sass, and more sass.
    May you have peace:, sass, sass, sass, sass, sass, and more sass.
    May you have peace:, sass, sass, sass, sass, sass, and more sass.
    May you have peace:, sass, sass, sass, sass, sass, and more sass.
    May you have peace:, sass, sass, sass, sass, sass, and more sass.
    May you have peace:, sass, sass, sass, sass, sass, and more sass.
    May you have peace:, sass, sass, sass, sass, sass, and more sass.

    Sounds real genuine to me.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • AGuest

    Ah, yes, DWilt... a TRUE 'man of God', would always say the 'right' thing... which would be the 'thing' folks WANT to hear (or not)... rather than what is truth, yes?

    So, let me ask you: what's wrong with 'sass'? I am a black woman; 'sass' is our trademark! Oh, wait! Please tell me you are NOT one of those men who think women belong... ummmm... 'in their place'.

    Does it really matter, DWilt, truly, what 'tone' I take? Whether it is 'sassy' or not? TRULY? No, you and both know that neither the words, the tone, the context... or the TRUTH... of what I speak matters. Doesn't matter HOW much 'salt' I put on it... because that is the VERY purpose of this particular part of this discussion:

    "Shelby, you're using WAY too much 'salt'. Stop it with all the 'peace' talk."

    "Ah, now, Shelby, you need a little MORE 'salt'... and a lot less 'sass'."

    May I suggest a verse for you to read, then, dear DWilt? Thank you:

    Matthew 11:16-19

    Truly, the 'children' of THIS 'generation'... are no different from the 'children' of that one.

    My peace remains, and I remain...

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    I like sass from a women, so don't get me wrong, I don't mind sass from a black, white, navy blue, matalic red, or just plain green women, I think it's totally CUTE.

    What I don't like is someone always saying,"May you have peace" and then giving that person sass on top of sass. Totally unbecomming of some claimming to be God's spokes woman.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • AGuest
    Totally unbecomming of some claimming to be God's spokes woman.

    SIGH (once again)! I am NOT 'God's spokeswoman'. I do not CLAIM to be 'God's spokeswoman'; I have NOT 'claimed' to be... nor will you ever SEE me 'claim' to be. I am a SLAVE, DWilt, a 'good-for-nothing' servant, TO the Household of God, Israel... and OF His 'spokesMAN', His WORD, my Lord, JAHEHSHUA MISCHAJAH.

    I do NOT speak FOR God... or FOR Christ. I speak... what I am TOLD to speak. It is not FOR either of them, but at the BEHEST of both of them.

    Now, with that out of the way...

    May I ask you: "totally unbecoming" to WHOM? You? Am I trying to impress YOU... or am I even to be concerned as to whether or not you ARE impressed? If you told one of YOUR children, "Go tell your brothers I have said such-and-so, and tell them I said thus," and YOUR child does so... and your child comes back to you and says, "A NEIGHBOR didn't LIKE your message to my brothers, and have told me to speak in thus a manner and even to STOP speaking it," what would YOU, dear DWilt... tell YOUR child?

    Would say, "Well, honey, okay, the NEIGHBORS don't like what I have sent you to say to MY own children, and so, you need to say it in a way that the NEIGHBORS will 'like', or better yet, let's think of the NEIGHBORS and so, don't tell your brothers another thing at all..."?

    And what if it's NOT the 'neighbors', but actually the CHILDREN themselves that didn't 'like' the message, or its 'tone', or whatever, and commanded the brother sent to change the message or stop speaking?

    Have you not heard and did you not read what happened to Joseph when he revealed what had been given to HIM... in a dream... to HIS brothers? And yet, their hard-heartedness resulted in BLESSINGS for them, did it not, for had they not taken hold of Joseph and sold him into slavery, ultimately, in Egypt, from whom would they have received food... the brothers AND their entire households... in the time of great famine?

    There are very few, DWilt, servants of my Father, who, from Enoch until today, were received 'kindly' by those they were sent to. Yet, even fewer left off their assignment; indeed, even Jonah eventually went. When I 'hear' what you and others say to me... "STOP speaking" or "speak thus and so" or "say it THIS way" or "if you wouldn't say it THAT way" or "IF you were a true servant of God, you would say it THIS way... or not say it THAT way"... or whatever else is stated to encourgage me to 'be kind' to myself and leave off whatever malresponse is offered, I ALSO 'hear' primarily ONE thing:

    "A prophet is NOT welcome... in his/her HOME territory."

    Indeed, opposition is to be EXPECTED from my 'enemies', those who do not worship my God and do not KNOW my God... by means of not glorifying my Lord and/or knowing HIM... and indeed, wish to do neither. Truly, that is expected. What is ALSO expected, however, is the PRIMARY 'enemy' of the 'children of God'... is their brothers... Israel.

    For just as Ishmael, who had the SAME father as Isaac, and Esau, who had the SAME father as Jacob, and Simeon to Naphtali, had the SAME father as Joseph... and Cain... had the SAME father as Abel... so, too, down to this day... there is indeed, 'nothing new'... under the sun: it is those who PROFESS to be 'children of God'... but whose hard-headedness and hard-HEARTEDNESS... prove them otherwise... who present themselves as my primary 'enemy'. For rather than extolling upon me a blessing for doing our Lord's will, rather than standing BY me and helping to CARRY my 'torture' tree (as we are ALL supposed to carry the burdens of one another)... they tend only to add to the 'load'.

    The word of my Lord, then, to YOU... DWilt/Winston... is read the verses cited... and get the SENSE of them.

    And I, DWilt, bid you... examine YOUR heart... and take all of this for whatever it is 'worth'... to you.

    My peace remains, and I am...

    A TRUE servant to the Household of God, Israel, and a TRUE slave of Christ, by means of a TRUE and actual anointing by the SPIRIT of God... HOLY spirit...


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    You never cover the real issues, in your reply.
    You always make up your own issues, that are not even related, to the real issues.
    Your exceedingly clever.
    Your rheutoric is supper natural.
    Your are one peice of work babe.
    Your a hypnotizer.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • AGuest
    You never cover the real issues, in your reply.

    Let's see:

    I covered 'sass' in the previous post.
    I covered being 'God's spokeswoman' and 'unbecoming' in this last one. And quite extensively, I might add.

    You, however, have now changed the subject, accused me of NOT responding to the issues raised, of making up my OWN issues, and call me 'clever'.

    But, in truth, it is you, DWilt, that is 'clever'. Indeed, I cannot even hold a candle to you, and many other 'clever' ones here. Not in the slightest.

    My peace... remains.

    A slave of Christ,


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    That's about the kindest thing anyone ever said to me.

    But you definitly take the cake hands down, with 4 THOMMY THE THUMB BLUES up.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • Amazing

    HI AGuest: Bush has shown restraint and leadership. But, he is just now walking the path of a wise leader, so more will be expected of him before we can make any historical assessment.

    The reason for the applause is that he is building consenses and a coalition of support, and frankly the support was already being offerred. So the applause was not only for him, but for the Office he holds and what he represents as a leader.

    In his the speech, he certainly demonstrated the most effective balance - and one that struck at the heart of what the vast majority of Americans feel and realate to.

    What happens next - the types of actions - the decisions made, will all determine the quality of words and leadership up to now. For George Bush, as it would be for anyone in his position, the path he is on with the nation is filled with pits and traps. Skill, wisdom, good people at his side are all ingredients to have, and will likely reduce the risk of serious blunders.

    I think for the most part, the applause was representative of a nation united, a nation that is greiving together, and a nation that right now feels a sense of community that it has not known since WWII. It is really not about cheering someone who has just succeeded, but about a President who has acted wisely to bring us together in a way that shares our grief, and help us move forward with recovery, healing, rebuilding, and carrying our justice, holding the perpertrators responsible.


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