Six, you are correct: the correct word would have been discriminate. My bad.
Path and GWEEDO, thank you tremendously. Your point... is MY point. I am at complete and utter LOSS as to how this has now become and issue of 'remove the Taliban and free Afghan women and children (and oppressed men). If the Taliban were to turn Bin Laden over TODAY... no one's gonna go in the remove anyone else... or free anyone else. They haven't done so yet, and the heinous treatment of Afghan people has been presented to the U.S. 'power brokers' for YEARS. Even celebrities have taken up that particular issue.
The U.S. wants REVENGE... NOT freedom for an oppressed people. And in SEEKING that revenge, knows FULL well that it is the innocent and oppressed that will die, people who have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the matter, who are starving AS WE SPEAK, and who might actually BE better off dying from a U.S. bullet than having the ABJECT STARVATION that is certain in their future (apparently, some think they'll be 'better off' dying... from whatever means... but how they feel it THEIR position to decide that truly baffles me...), from their current national situation to what a war will leave behind.
I am totally amazed at the lack of concern for HUMAN life that many have: "We've got to teach them a lesson, teach them that they can't just DO what they did to the U.S.!" WHO? Teach WHO? There is no 'war' against the Taliban or any other faction of the Afghan government, other than to say if they don't turn over Bin Laden there will BE a war. But missles aren't dropped soley on covert camps and government buildings. They are dropped ON HOUSES, and BUSINESSES, and SCHOOLS and IN THE STREETS.
IF the U.S. is SUCH a great intellectual 'superpower', indeed, IF some of us here are so 'intellectual', why in the WORLD can't they figure out a resolution to this matter that won't cost ONE SINGLE INNOCENT LIFE... at the hands of U.S. weapons? Why? Because they are NOT that intelligent. They are nothing more than the people who started this for their own particular brand of 'justice'.
If you slap me... and I slap a thousand people before I ever finally slap you... if I indeed DO ever slap you... how am I 'better' than you? Is that not what the 'terrorists' did, needlessly kill over 5,000 INNOCENT people due to their anger at a paltry few? And if the U.S. turns around and does the SAME EXACT THING, someone... PLEASE... tell me... HOW ARE 'WE' ANY DIFFERENT?
Hypocrisy... is hypocrisy. Some here apparently... due to their craving for the 'taste' of blood... simply cannot see that. And to me, such ones are not better then, than the 'blind' and 'evil'(?)... Taliban, Bin Laden and others like... which sees what THEY want to... when, where, how and AS it wants to.
Rally around the President, indeed. We should ALL be grieving for what HAS happened... and what may yet occur. All of it is disgusting and DESPICABLE.
A slave of Christ,