Afghan Women under Taliban

by Tina 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • kilroy



  • AGuest

    And to top it all off, Tina-Girl (peace to you!)... they've also got U.S. and allied military and missles 'aiming' for them. Talk about a 'can't win' situation. My heart grieves tremendously... for my sisters... and their children... who are facing certain death from either end: the 'unreasonable' men that will not hesitate to oppress and kill you... and the enemies of such men who, in supposedly seeking to kill THEM for the sake of 'peace'... will also not hesitate to kill you.

    SIGH! 'Earthling' man... whether white, black, brown... American, Arab, Jew, Greek... and his NEED to 'dominate'... to his OWN injury... and most certainly to that of his women and children.

    Go figure.

    A very sad and grieving slave of Christ over the 'heart' of man, and, as usual, the 'plight' HE has once again put the innocent in... on BOTH sides.


  • SixofNine
    ... and the enemies of such men who, in supposedly seeking to kill THEM for the sake of 'peace'... will also not hesitate to kill you.

    Oh please. Could you be fuller of shit? No you couldn't be, you are at the bursting point now.

    Maybe, just maybe, the outcome for Afghany women will be better after this all shakes out. Maybe not. But it sure sucked and was not improving before. We can only hope for an improvement. It will come at great cost no doubt.

    And Kilroy, you're just full of solutions aren't you? Oops, no, you only have one solution, and it seems to be amazingly similar to the one chosen by the terrorist in NY. I guess what you are full of isn't solutions but rather the same substance that has Shelby about to burst.

    A regular humanitarian you are.

  • julien

    New non radium afghan table!

  • AGuest

    Maybe the 'outcome' will be 'better' for WHICH 'Afghany' women, Six? The ones killed by their own men? Or the ones killed by ours?

    Oh, and it's 'Afghan', dear O-So-Bright-and-Full-of-Knowledge-One. "Afghan women". The "afghani"... is their currency.

    Moving right along...

    A slave of Christ,


  • SixofNine

    You, my blustering fool, were speaking of the ones "killed by ours". You, my blustering God talker, seemed to be speaking about Afghan(i) women who will be killed w/o any "hesitation" by "enemies" of the Taliban.

    You, are full of shit. As further evidenced by this:

    And it's 'Afghan', dear O-So-Bright-and-Full-of-Knowledge-One. "Afghan women". The "afghani"... is their currency.

    "Afghani" is a common way to speak of people from Afghanistan. So I missed they "i" and used a "y". In the bigger discussion where people are accused of being willing to kill Afghani women indiscriminately, is a "y" for an "i" really that important? I do realise prophets of god hate to be spoken against, and I do realise the poetic irony of saying "a y for an i" to a prophet, it does have a biblical ring to it.

    Why not just chuckle a bit, and say, "yeah Six, I got a bit carried away with my "I am peace" theme, and I was full of shit"?

    You know, laugh at your silly self for once in your life.

  • AGuest

    Rather than 'laugh' at myself, Six... I will 'grieve' over you... and your absolute, total, bigoted ignorance. Do you SERIOUSLY think that any attack by the US on Afghanistan for failure to deliver up Ben Laden (which IS what the 'offer' was, yes?), will be SO indiscriminate as to miss the women and children ALREADY undergoing serious oppression, at the hands of a government THEY do not want?

    You know, I don't get mad too often. Really, I don't. But I have just taken about THE deepest breath I have in quite some time, because your complete ignorance of the ISSUES... and tiny brain which impedes your ability to even SEE the issues... simply ires me. It does. Yet, rather than allow myself to FEEL such ire, I will instead feel pity for you in your ignorance.

    The best thing, then, is for you and I to conclude our interchange as of this point. But... I know you are going to HAVE to throw at least one more malicious insult out there, because that is the 'nature' of your tiny heart, and even tinier brain. It's THE best you can do. So... don't make me out to be a liar, but rather, 'do me proud'. Go ahead... insult away!

    It STILL won't change the TRUTH of what will result if this matter continues in the manner threatened... by BOTH sides.

    A slave of Christ,


  • jonjonsimons

    Tina Darling,
    Excellent post. Unfortunately as we both know this barbaric treatment of the better gender is practiced in many countries that are run by fundamentalist men. Thanks goodness not all Muslim men have the same beliefs. From Saudi Arabia to Afghanistan, women are mutilated and murdered on a daily basis at the whim of the men who they should trust the most, ie their husbands and fathers. Let us not forget that in these cultures the only person with the power to spare the life of a woman accused of any crime where the death penalty is applied, is the Patriarch of the famlily that was wronged. Even in cases where no actual Patriarch exists, they will hand over the decision of life or death to the oldest male member of the extended family be he 18 or 80. It is truly a nauseating ideology.

    BTW Rex I must take exception to your bashing of NOW. I happen to be a card carrying member of NOW and I'm damn proud of it. Go ahead now and make a funny fag joke, I know you'll be dying to after you read this. I have no problem with what NOW stands for, and any man worth a damn shouldn't either. NOW does not proclaim to want to take over the world from men. What they do endorse is the equal treatment of all minorities world wide by use of education and empowerment. What in the world could be wrong with that?

    Peace and love,

  • SixofNine

    Shelby, you are a mess.

    Do you SERIOUSLY think that any attack by the US on Afghanistan ...will be SO indiscriminate as to miss the women and children ALREADY undergoing serious oppression,

    I assume you meant discriminate? The answer is yes, I believe that any attack by the U.S. will be as discriminate as it reasonably can be. Let me back track... I believe it will be discriminate. I believe it will be as discriminate as certain people in charge think is reasonable. I believe it (military force) will be orders of magnitude more discriminate in favor of the Afghani women than even the day to day policies of the Taliban. Having said that, if there is military action, it is very likely that at least some innocents will die or be hurt. My wish otherwise won't change that.

    I won't pretend to have any clue as to whether or not the outcome, or even the hoped-for-by-those-in-charge outcome will be to at least somewhat liberate the Afghani women. I hope so. It almost seems like it could not possibly get worse for them, but I'll bite my tongue in that regard-- where the powerless poor and downtrodden are concerned, it can almost always get worse.

  • Tina

    Hi jon and six shel and all,
    Thanks for the further insights and thoughts. I agree a truly nauseating and destructive ideology. hugs ,Tina

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

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