Afghan Women under Taliban

by Tina 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pathofthorns

    I think the treatment of women around the world and by the Taliban is an entirely different issue than 'a war on terrorism'. This issue, as important as it is, is primarily another attempt to justify 'collateral' damage so that Americans can feel better when these people are killed or maimed by American attacks.

    If one wants to press this issue, then where does America draw the line? Do they go in and liberate women in every country in the world that oppresses women? Will America wage war with China and other countries that have a horrible record of human rights?



    dead aim Path!

    Bush wants Al-Qaida and bin Laden. He aint in it to liberate the Afghani people from the Taliban. I dont think he wants to get in too deep in Afghanistan and slog it out like the soviets did. But then again...

    is primarily another attempt to justify 'collateral' damage so that Americans can feel better when these people are killed or maimed by American attacks.

    and starve to death too...even worse than now. There is going to be a lot of suffering over there...lets not kid ourselves. Surgical strikes are a myth!

  • Tina

    Hi Path,if you read a good amount of the link I provided you will see it's not just about women. It's about men women and children.
    SHowing the reality of their daily life which IS terrorism,whether you choose to see it that way or not,is not an attempt to justify 'collateral damage'. Their entire way of life promoted by fundamental ideology is terrorism. Read the link before you make assumptions like you just did. Seems to me that you have a narrow definiton of terrorism. Terrorism isn't just bombs and guns. Terrorism is public murder and mutilation,immolations,starvation,no human and civil rights. An existence that is essentially slavery.

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

  • SixofNine
    This issue, as important as it is, is primarily another attempt to justify 'collateral' damage so that Americans can feel better when these people are killed or maimed by American attacks.

    Geez Path, I thought you thought better of Tina than that!

    I think you're wrong. I know you're wrong where I am concerned. That said, I think the situation for women there is such that it demands action by all of the civilised world. Didn't the world make big noise about "never again" after the horrors of the Nazi Germany were revealed?

  • Esmeralda

    Thanks, Tina, for helping to bring awareness to the horrors suffered by women in Afghanistan. It is truly sickening to know that in the 21st century that this mideval attitude towards any human (either sex) still exists.

    This quote really struck me, taken from the article Inside Afghanistan: Behind the Veil: Speaking of undercover journalists who covered this story:

    [quote]They were helped by an underground women's group, the Revolutionary Association of Women of Afghanistan (RAWA), which runs secret clinics and schools for girls.[quote]

    Yet another new definition of the word "hero" for me. Can you imagine the courage it takes to operate an underground network like that in the land of the Taliban? A new definition of bravery for me as well.

    When you realize how bad things are for these women, who truly have no way out, it makes you grateful that so many of us live in countries where we can leave a man who abuses us, get a divorce, work hard and build a new life, as many of us have.

    So many women don't have that chance. It really causes me to want to implore women who are tolerating abuse in this and other more liberal countries to get out. Use the help thats available. You know that if these dear women had any of these options, they would use them and not think twice.

    Abuse is abuse...wherever in the world you are. I just have to say it in case any lurkers are living in fear and pain...if you're being abused, please, get away!


  • Tina

    Thanks for the added insights on abuse.
    I too,am grateful that I don't have to live in what is essentially a concentraction camp without the barbed wird and gun towers.
    And you're so right about abuse. SOme are in such abusive realtionships that their lives have become 'silent auswitz'.They live in a terror behind closed doors that kills them emotionally,spiritually psychologically,and at times physically.
    Living in a liberal nation,we have the advantage of resources others may not have. I salute your call to freedom for those who suffer in silence. luv ya sis,T

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."


    The first thing a government does in a bombing campaign is de-humanize the enemy. People will feel a lot better when told that the bombs will be raining down on the Taliban. The real truth is that the Taliban are probably safe inside a shelter along with bin-Laden now. The brunt of the attack is going felt by the usual.

    I'd love to see the Taliban gone....but is that what Bush is going to do? Is it possible or practical given Bushs stated objectives. What is he up to?

  • Tina

    Hi Gweedo, You made a valid point.
    One of my motives in bringing up this topic was to put a human face on those who live under Talibans regime.
    It's all so complicated....I of course,don't want to see the civilians suffer anymore than they already are......answers,answers,who has them? thanks,T

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

  • SixofNine
    What is he up to?

    Whether his motives are good or bad, we can be sure he won't be telling any of us "what he is up to". Nor should he.

  • Pathofthorns

    The point I was making is that we cannot simply single out Afghanistan for its human rights attrocities without condemning ALL countries that violate human rights.

    The only reason why Afghanistan is singled out for the moment is because America seeks further justification for the actions it wishes to take and knowing it will inevitably kill innocent women and children. The reasoning that by killing these innocents they somehow liberate them is a bizzare justification for their actions.

    By throwing in "human rights" into this war, we set a precident that has to be carried out right accross the world. The US will not rock the boat with China, and if it only will topple oppressive governments in the smaller countries, then that is hypocrisy.

    As for my being narrow minded in my definition of terrorism, I feel that killing innocent people to advance one's own interests, for some sort of revenge or political statement, that is terrorism. I think if America fails to carry out their war without regard for the innocent, then that makes them terrorists as well. My definition is very broad.


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