I loved the advice from On the way out.....You do have to do something to keep your sanity. I have never been to a meeting since I was DA'd. I did go to a memorial once with my DF'd friend and her parents are JW's. It was like EVERYONE knew about us and no one made eye contact either. But, I did look at them all with their FAKE smiles and had a very hard time not LAUGHING MY AS$ OFF!! Hang in there!
the walk of shame
by nonamegiven 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You don't have to put yourself through this.
Thoroughly research the Watchtower Society and you will understand why this cult treats people this way.
Just remember that just one little sin cuts us off from God and that all humans are sinners from birth without any hope for everlasting life.
Also, keep in mind that as soon as a child is able he or she will knowingly commit a sin.
We are not sinners because we commit sins.
We commit sins because we are sinners.
That's why Jesus is so important and why the Watchtower cult demeans and relegates Him to being just a 'perfect human.'
The Watchtower Society has dehumanized its followers by demanding they adhere to their unscriptural shunning directives that are implemented when the JW Trinity composed of 3 humans place themselves in the seat of Jesus and judge another as unworthy of life.
Do yourself some good and seek professional help from counselors that are experienced in assisting individuals who have been spiritually, emotionally and mentally abused by this cult.
Don't allow the Watchtower Society to rob you of your dignity and self respect because everyone in that religion is just as, if not more so guilty than you.
Don't let the b@st@rd Watchtower Society rip you to pieces.
Your family needs you whole.
Just being nosy, what were you df/ed for?
he already posted it, lets dont go over it again and again.
sorry no offence meant.
I go to the car to sit and stare at the night sky windering if I am indeed the kind of person that deserves this type of treatment.
No you don't deserve that!
Welcome to the board BTW!
The fact that you still go to the meetings (to help your wife with the kids) even in spite of the treatment they`re giving you, makes you a much better person than all of them. Here`s an idea: There is no reason why a 2-yearold and a 4-yearold should have to endure those never-ending, shitty meetings. Tell your wife she can go alone, and you`ll stay home with the kids. Go out and play with them, and have cocoa and cookies afterwards. Like normal kids. The kids will love you for it, both now and when they get older.
I go to the car to sit and stare at the night sky windering if I am indeed the kind of person that deserves this type of treatment.
No, you don't deserve that sort of treatment. Communication and interaction with others is, in my opinion, a human need, just as food, water, and air is. It is impossible to be healthy without it. Withdrawing any such basic human need is cruel.
I personally would not subject myself to this sort of treatment by going to the kingdom hall. But if you're seeking reinstatement remember how they're treating you. Never allow yourself to be close to these people again. You are experiencing firsthand how quickly their friendship can be withdrawn - even those who have no idea why you have been DF'd. That's not love. It's not friendship. It's shit. If you needed humanitarian aid right now these are the last people on earth who would offer it. In my opinion, the "friendship" Jehovah's Witnesses offer is a liability, not an asset. Any stranger on the street would help you before these people would.
Even if you seek reinstatement, I suggest cultivating a network of friends who are not JWs - people who will be there for you because they care about you instead of a publishing company.
Can you imagine his die hard JW wife agreeing to that? I don't think so , just imagine what the elders would be thinking!
Some hard truths:
They NEVER cared for you like you thought they did; you are just another body to them.
They are NOT shepherds; they are merely custodians for a global corporation.
They are not qualified to lead, counsel, or oversee. They have no formal training.
My own personal policy about elders?
Fuck em; they are useless, worse than nothing because we are led to believe that they are there to help us.
There are thousands of experiences from people on this board that will prove otherwise, including my own.
I have nothing to do with elders; I don't speak with them about anything except the weather; I will NEVER in my life tell them anything about my thoughts, feelings, circumstances and for God's sake my behavior.
Like the line from the movie the Magdalen Sisters: YOU ARE NOT A MAN OF GOD, YOU ARE NOT A MAN OF GOD. -
I have to say I really know what you are going through. I took that walk of shame twice now! Nothing worse then walking through a crowd of so called friends, who look right through you as if you were a ghost! I dont know about you, but I would dread when the prayer ended. My heart would start pounding, knowing I had to get all the way to the door, which seemed like a mile away!
Its amazing how the wts can control everyone, and make then think this is a loving thing, and a good thing as the elders told me!
Sorry you are going through this.