I believe Proplog's comment about "owning the love" was a reference to subjective feelings of unworthiness.
Like yourself I see a role for all beliefs and personality types. It makes the world more interesting. The idea that there should be some conformaty to a scientific model (much as I like science) is anathema to me.
What if the name was irrelevant, but such a Deity revealed itself using whatever framework / names were relevant to the individual?
In my own case it was Christ rather than Jehovah. Maybe that was a more acceptable way for me to access something that clearly wasn't the "Jehovah" that I had previously been shackled to?
Certainly I found the concept of worshipping Christ abhorrent, but that turned around in a few minutes of my initial experience, and grew rapidly from there.
More like a mild response to full blown Kundalini, with residual Tipareth overtones. I'm happy to use the metaphors of others, as I can make the connections and see the commonality
That was a bit of a back-handed compliment, to bring Bush into the equation
I agree with what you say about the neuronal faculties required to experience and record such an event. I can't help wonder if it exceeds such abilities, since most report being overwhelmed. We certainly appear to put our own slant on such a thing, but there are great swathes of commonality. This commonality has been the subject of my own grail quest for the last five years.