I reckon Satan won the argument......what do you think ?

by vitty 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • vitty

    Satan threw open a challenge to Jehovah (according to JW theology) that he could turn anyone against god and that peeps only served him by what they could get out of it ( living forever on a paradise earth........um)

    Well, since yourve got to be a dedicated witness, everyone else is wrong, wicked, corrupt whatever. Who could claim victory for this................... 6 million out of satans 6 billion.

    So, id say satan is the winner. Now Jehovah knows ( knew) this and so instead of shaking hands and saying "yep, you were right" he decides to kill everyone !!!!!!!

    Not very sporting id say........................

  • skyking

    Gloom and dome. Satan won.

  • Genesis

    Good point, Jehovah is an idiot...

  • daystar

    Yeah, a better test would be "You have absolutely no hope of life after death, no hope for a better life other than the one you make for yourself. But you must worship me and obey me without question anyway, even though you get absolutely nothing out of it."

    How many would follow that god?

  • Gill

    Wow! Spot on!

    Point proven.....'We are waiting for our Everlasting Earthly Reward!'

    JWs need a reward to serve their God, and possibly die for him.

    How many times have you heard and elderly or dying JW promised a resurrection and their Earthly Reward!?

    Satan won!

  • bebu

    Good points vitty.

    Being in God's presence is the real reward of service, if one indeed loves God (imo).

    I think it is odd... JWs have not only deleted hell, but denied men heaven and then surgically removed Christ from "paradise" earth as well (leaving it to be run by WTS company). Obvoiusly they do not really care about God as much they desire .


  • AlmostAtheist
    So, id say satan is the winner. Now Jehovah knows ( knew) this and so instead of shaking hands and saying "yep, you were right" he decides to kill everyone !!!!!!

    History is written by the victor, so after Armageddon (any day now) history will show that Satan lost miserably.

    Bum rap, eh?

    Good topic, Vit!


  • jaguarbass

    Satan has always known how to yank Jehobahs chain.

  • Kudra

    oooo- very provocative... good thread!

    I guess I'd have to agree. But isn't there a part about humankind not being able to rule themselves that was part of the deal? Like YHWH giving them time to try to prove they could rule themselves but we haven't because we still have wars and disease etc.?

    Other than that, I'd TOTALLY agree that people would NOT serve god if there were no reward. "Satan" (basically anyone/thing other than the dub's idea of the borg/Jehovah) does not promise anything else other that the pleasure you make for yourself and give to others on this life right here and now. Which is basically the same thing "god" promises, only "god" lies and says that you will get life after death too, because no one in their right mind would follow all those rediculous unhealthy rules of his if they weren't getting something BIG out of the deal.

    Again, this is quite a wild topic. :) I like it.


  • bubble

    Great thread Vitty, Satan certainly has won (if there is a Satan that is).

    And Jehovah lost the argument in the garden of Eden too. When will he learn. Not too many brains for the god of the universe eh?
    (if there is a god that is)

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