I was out today and working with a well-indoctrinated brother ("Brother B"). We were hitting houses with tracts then running, until we went on his call. Brother B was trying to give him an Asleep and a tract, and invite him to the talk today, which was given by a Bethelite (and it was a HEAVY indoctrination session, which is another story).
The householder passed on the invitation, saying he needed to take care of chores, family, etc. Brother B says anyone who goes to the meetings will be impressed with the format, and wouldn't regret going (). Brother B mentioned to the man that I and he had chosen this one out of the "smorgasbord of religious choices." The man held his ground, then proceeded to ask Brother B some questions--GOOD questions, such as:
"Don't you guys only believe that JWs are going to be saved? Doesn't that put God in a box? I mean, as long as I follow the Bible and accept Christ, isn't that enough?" for which Brother B more or less denied that this was true, but emphasised that we were a good choice for fellowship, and promoted the Borganization.
Then the man took issue that we use "a JW Bible," to which Brother B repeated the lie that "our Bible has been recommended by the top sources for being such a good translation of the oldest manuscripts." Big, bald-faced lie.
Next, the householder wondered if he was going to die because he'd had blood transfusions in the past. "No, no..." said Brother B. He wondered about the fractions issue. Brother B didn't have much to say to this.
Further, the man was concerned because his wife "thinks we are a cult." I had never heard a householder this informed about the witnesses! This was like the icing on the cake. He then said he wasn't sure he was ready to do anything with us until he'd researched us completely. But at the end the man said Brother B could come back another day. Brother B and I walked back to the car. I was silent the whole time at the door, letting him take a beating. I could tell that Brother B had been defeated, because he only said one thing about the call as I drove him back to his house.
So, at this point the guy is pretty much ready to shut out Brother B out of a callback. He doesn't need any more help to see that we're a cult. This man lives close to where I live. I entertained thoughts of dropping a letter containing WT quotes and other internet research quotes on his doorstep...but then I thought, I might have my cover blown, because there's no way I could deny not showing all those quotes to the man. I'd really like to warn this man anonymously, and tell him to warn everyone he knows...so what do y'all think? Good idea?
Oh yeah--Brother B said that "the man's thinking needs to be readjusted."