Fish is alive and well! I thought it was Scully that said that Moses had killed someone, but I went back and it was you.
And then Elder Gumbknowitall explained the account cause you wasn't answerin'.
And that's where things are at right now.
by juni 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Fish is alive and well! I thought it was Scully that said that Moses had killed someone, but I went back and it was you.
And then Elder Gumbknowitall explained the account cause you wasn't answerin'.
And that's where things are at right now.
It's all comin' back again. So was Jesus the typical or antitypical Moses or vice versa?
Can we go to the elders' room and talk about this?
Yes dear sister Juni....Jesus was Joshua, Moses, the greater Noah, and anyone else who did heroic stuff. He was so many guys his people thought he was Elijah and even John the Baptist......even though jesus hated animal clothes and honey.
The only way I can go into a backroom with you is if you bring Mary with you as a shaperone......and I'd like you both to wear those short skirts that I like so much.
then gave his own laws that defied his old laws. He didn't just fullfil them, he changed them. ( see bible)
I think you may be missing the point I made earlier about Law w/o grace (rules is rules) and Jesus' interpretation of law with grace.
And anyhoo another thing - what if when he said he came to fulfil the Law, he meant the requirements of the law i.e. all the sacrifices that were needed to get people's sins forgiven? That makes total sense to me.
Gumby is a heretic:
That bastard! I knew god shoulda drowned his arse in the flood along with the apostates instead of keeping him safe on that big boat!
Everyone knows fine well that it was Noah in the boat, not Utnapishtim!
As far as I understand the orthodox trinity belief, the Father and the Son are recognised as entirely separate individuals (but equally 'God'), and Jehovah is recognised as the Father. So I don't think most trinitarians even hold to the belief that Jesus is literally Jehovah incarnate, although I know some more extreme trinitarians teach that.
As you rightly say, some say that. There's yet another group that think the name "Jehovah" applies to the godhead, and hence is a name that any of the three persons use, kinda like a double-barrelled surname "Jehovah-God". Hence the Father and Holy Spirit (momma and pappa bear) remain nameless, and the Son (baby bear) is Jesus Jehovah-God.
Which just goes to prove that it's not just Gumby who can make it all up as he goes along
Everyone knows fine well that it was Noah in the boat, not Utnapishtim!
I ain't either a heritic......littleToe is. He claims Noah was more rightous than Ut-nutsacishtim. The latter didn't get drunk and let his son see his nutsac and Noah did. I'm puttin all bets on Ut-nutsacishtim as the REAL flood hero.
Urnutsacishinin is the flood hero??
Been gone doing laundry and see what new light I missed.
You can't have your chestnuts and eat 'em Gumby.
Does the bible talk Jesus up, or talk him down? Does the Epic of Gilgamesh talk Upscratcher up, or the Bible talk Noah down?
If the more pure is the more likely real then you've got some trouble on your hands explaining why that methodology doesn't work with Jesus
...just cuz the bible fesses up to mistakes in men, doesn't make it the more reliable source. Mythical figures had plenty of their own faults the mythical guy who used to poke Scottsmen in the nutsack with a sharp pointy stick till they cried.