I understand that part fish, but why would a god of love treat people as he did? Kids killed by a she bear for making fun of his prophet, stoning a woman if she didn't yell during a rape, forbidding Moses from entering the promised land cause he messed up once. Etcetera, etc.
Big question juni!! I really don't have all the answers. There are some things that I've thought about in the past though:
1. The Elisha + bears incident, did God send the bears? It was Elisha who did the cursing - was it God who replied with the bears or did they just happen to appear anyway? It doesn't actually say that God sent the bears.
2. Moses messed up twice - He was a murderer/manslaughterer as well as the incident with the water. I suspect that it was because he killed someone that he wasn't allowed into the Promised Land - the penalty under law (w/o grace) was death, to be excluded from the nation (put outside the camp) was virtually death for an Israelite.
3. As regards unfair laws such as the one you mention, there's one thing Jesus said which has made me think often. It was when he was being asked about divorce and he replied something like 'it was because you were stubborn that Moses permitted divorce' So how many of the other laws were not from God but written in either by Moses or later scribes? (I know I'm leaving myself wide open with this comment LOL!! Please refer to my first answer - I don't have all the answers!).
So it comes down to purity w/o grace in dealing w/his people? Smacks of WT treatment.
Law w/o grace - exactly! That's why the WT have got it sooooo wrong. They have the option of being able to know grace but have rejected it.