1:09am and the frickin' meeting tomorrow!

by 5thGeneration 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • 5thGeneration

    Just want to chill out. Sleep in. Get up at 11 and make some spam 'n eggs. Take the kids for a walk. Watch the NFL pregame show. Enjoy some football for the afternoon...


    Dragged out of bed 8:30am. Shower half Awake! Suck down some coffee. Stretch on a shirt and tie. Go to the KH. Get accosted by the elders. Listen to 2 hours of stuff I've heard a million times already! Feel guilty and useless.

    Boy, I love Sundays!

  • merfi

    Sucks to have your Sunday stolen. What you wish you could do is what people should have the choice to do.

    Stupid cult.

    Heading to bed shortly to awake whenever I damn well feel like it, make a brunch (I like your idea of Spam n eggs :) ) and then it's football baby, football!

    There's always the "Bingo" game to keep you busy at meetings.

  • 5thGeneration

    I've always liked you merfi!

  • lonelysheep

    Can't you call out sick tomorrow? Just for one day....

  • 5thGeneration

    Trust me.

    Been traveling (even if not), working (even if not), tired (even if not) and sick (even if not) for too long a time now. Not holding water any more. They're on to me!

    I'm screwed!

  • Warlock

    I think you need a good case of stomach flu.


  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    5thGeneration. I'm so sorry. Are your parents making you go to the KH? How old are you? I don't think you should ever feel guilty about not wanting to allow others to waste your time and to manipulate you, which is what is happening. Do try to sleep in, enjoy your Sunday. Feign illness if you must, but just be yourself. Hugs.

  • Sunspot

    (((((5th generation)))))

    I feel for ya! I spent 30 loooooong years of doing that and I know how badly I wished I could JUST STAY HOME without having to make excuses to everyone and his brother!!!!!

    I finally decided I had ENOUGH and stopped going.....and then we got a computer...

    ...I looked up Jehovah's Witnesses...and the rest is history, hahaha!



  • 5thGeneration

    Actually Madame,

    I'm a 35 year old (wannabe 18) with a great wife (15 years) who wants me to grow up and two girls.

    Unfortunately, the guilt of my 'growing up' in the truth sticks with me.

    Take care.

  • Warlock
    Unfortunately, the guilt of my 'growing up' in the truth sticks with me.

    I feel for you brother. I had Catholic guilt and J.W. guilt. Now, I have no guilt.


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